  • 學位論文


Tourist Demand and Willingness-to-Pay for Personal Interpretative Service: Application of the Bivariate Models

指導教授 : 陳宗玄 李延熹


良好的導覽解說服務可使遊客深入了解古蹟的文化及歷史,也能夠進一步提升口碑以及遊客的重遊意願。若遊客願意付費接受導覽解說人員的服務,所增加的收入能夠運用於解說人員的品質提升以及古蹟的維護管理等。因此,此研究利用條件評估法觀察遊客對於導覽解說人員的付費意願及願付價格,並利用兩個雙變量模型-double-hurdle模型以及infrequency of purchase模型,處理回應大量為零的情況,以及分析遊客對於導覽解說人員的付費意願以及願付價格上不同的影響因子。願付價格問卷採用的是開放式的詢價方式。此研究總共發放了610份問卷,並回收了546份有效問卷。遊客對於鹿港古蹟的導覽解說人員之願付價格平均為172.70元。Infrequency of purchase模型的結果顯示性別、年齡、教育程度、職業以及對於導覽解說的看法對於付費意願及願付價格均有顯著影響。而居住地區以及收入僅對於願付價格有顯著影響,對於意願並無顯著影響。相較於double-hurdle模型,infrequency of purchase模型的結果呈現較多的顯著影響因子,表示旅遊商品的需求很可能與價格的高低相關。此研究的結果能夠提供相關政府機構或導覽解說業者在策略與宣傳上的參考。


Due to personal interpretative service, tourists can better understand the history and culture of a historic site, which may lead to an increase in revisitation and a positive word-of-mouth. If tourists are willing to pay for interpretative service, the revenue generated can be used for the management and maintenance of the historic resources. Therefore, this study used the contingent valuation method (CVM) to observe the willingness-to-pay (WTP) of the tourists for personal interpretative service, and to analyze its determinants using two bivariate models-the double-hurdle (DH) model and the infrequency-of-purchase (IP) model. The bivariate models were employed to deal with zero responses and to analyze distinct sets of determinants for tourists’ willingness to pay and the level of WTP value for personal interpretative service. Open-ended elicitation approach was adopted for the WTP question. 610 questionnaires were distributed and 546 valid questionnaires were collected. The mean WTP value of personal interpretative service in historic areas of Lukang was 172.70 NTD. The results from the IP model indicate that gender, age, educational level, occupation, and perceptions of interpretative service affected both the WTP probability and WTP level. However, residential area and income had a significant effect only on the WTP level, but not on the WTP probability. The results of the IP model revealed more significant determinants than the DH model, reflecting that the demand of tourism products, such as interpretative services, may be affected by the price charged. The findings can serve as a reference for marketing strategies or future policies for interpretative service providers or related government agencies.


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