  • 學位論文


The study of the effects of Service Encounters, Tipping Attitude and Service Charge Perceived Value on the Willingness of Tipping For Taichung City Residents - A Case of Catering Industry

指導教授 : 朱瑞淵


國內餐飲業平均薪資低,小費制度為改善薪資的方法之一,利用小費制度提高服務人員的薪資水準,提高餐飲業的服務品質與降低離職率。所以瞭解民眾對小費的支付意願與其影響因素,餐飲產業值得探索的議題。 本研究以台中市民眾為研究對象,發出420份問卷,有效問卷394份。研究結果顯示受訪者以女性、21~25歲、未婚、學歷以大學(專)、職業以製造業、月收入以20,001元-30,000元最多。服務接觸顯示中上程度認同,其中以任務導向獲得最多認同;小費態度為中高程度,以小費認知的認同度最高;服務費知覺價值則為處於中間值,構面中以知覺利益較高;在小費支付意願是屬於中高程度。 此外,經由結構模式分析後發現,小費態度對小費支付意願有顯著的正向影響。經多變量變異數分析結果顯示,個人背景之教育程度對服務接觸有顯著差異;教育程度、職業對服務費知覺價值;而小費態度與小費支付意願無顯著差異。 研究結果建議,政府應釐清服務費的意涵,同時餐飲業者所提供之服務能更貼近消費者所需,使消費者能在消費過程中獲得好的印象,促使願意支付小費,以利提升第一線服務人員之薪資。


The average of salary for the domestic catering industry is low, and tip may be one way to increases their income as well as the service quality, hence, could reduce the turnover rate for the Catering industry. Thus, it is important to understand people's Willingness of Tipping and its influencing factors. The object of study is focused on Taichung city residents, 394 questionnaires were collected. The results showed that the majority of the respondents are female, ages between 21-25 years old, unmarried, college degree, with occupation of manufacturing industry, and average of monthly income between NT$ 20,001-30,000. The viewpoint of Service Encounters is about medium high, among them, the most agreement is task-oriented; the Tipping Attitude average is also about medium high, the Tipping Cognitive is the highest aspect; the Service Charge Perceived Value is a medium level of awareness of identification, which in the dimensions of Perceived Benefits about the situation best; the Willingness of Tipping is about medium high. In addition, the results of LISREL indicated that a positive relationship exists in the Tipping Attitude to the Willingness of Tipping. Moreover, the MONAVA showed the respondents’ level of education have significant differences for the service encounter; level of education and Occupational categories have significant differences for the Service Charge Perceived Value. In addition, the tip attitude and willingness of tipping gratuities no significant difference. The study suggested that government should clarify the meaning of service charges, and the catering industry could provide differentiated services to consumers, which may help waiter to get tips and raise salaries.


