  • 學位論文


Relationships between Sustainable Campus Partial Renovation Project and Disaster Indices

指導教授 : 郭章淵


本研究主旨以校園為主題,探討「永續」與「防災」兩項專業之關聯性,透過「文獻回顧」研析有關「永續」與「防災」之定義、指標,相關論述、議題、面向等內涵。採「敘述性統計(Descriptive statistics)」、「單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)」,針對教育部2002年到2011年「永續校園局部改造計畫」施作次數、金額流向統計探討。使用「多準則決策」將永續校園施作項目,與教育部2010年「各級學校校園災害管理要點」因子做交叉比對篩選,確立關聯項目,據以擬製模糊德爾菲專家問卷,藉「模糊德爾菲法」,實行專家認證,確立永續與災害之間關聯性。 研究結論如下:一、生態及健康指標群,總件數北區最高;北區為自然淨化水循環處理次數最多;中區、南區最多為透水性鋪面;東區為多層次生態綠化項目。二、原有144組關聯對比項目,經多準則決策比對篩選,而後保留52組對比項目。三、透過模糊德爾菲專家問卷,篩選52組對比項目,確立永續及災害關聯6大施作項目,分別為「健康建材與自然素材」、「透水性鋪面」…等。四、關聯性6大施作項目,皆在生態及健康指標群內;其中「健康建材與自然素材」、「室內環境改善」,總施作次數南區皆優於北區;而總金額較高者,為「透水性鋪面」,「室內環境改善」,「雨水再生水利用」。


This research is to find the relationship between of sustainability and disaster prevention in campus, by reviewing documents about their definitions, indices, discussions, issues and point of views. We use two methods of Descriptive statistics and One-way ANOVA to investigate the statistics of operation and money flow of “Taiwan Sustainable Campus Project” held in 2002 to 2011 by Ministry of Education. Use multiple criteria decision to compare it with factors from “Instruction of Disaster Management for All Levels of Campus” announced by Ministry of Education in 2010. Furthermore, we designed a fuzzy Delphi method questionnaire to find the relationships between expert certificates, sustainability and disaster prevention. The conclusions are as below: 1) North area has the most ecology and health indicators, along with the most frequent natural water purification processing. Middle and south area have the most permeable pavements, and east area is notable for its multilayer ecological greening projects. 2) 52 items remained after filtering by multiple criteria decision method from the original 144 related items. 3) By the result of fuzzy Delphi method questionnaire filtering out 52 related items, we established six main applications for sustainability and disaster management: “health building materials and natural resources”, “permeable pavements” and et cetera. 4) The six applications are all included in ecology and health indicators, where south area has more operations than north area in “health building materials and natural resource” and “Indoor environment improvements”. On the other hand, operations with more money spent are “permeable pavements”, “indoor environment improvements” and “rainwater recycling”.


