  • 學位論文


Aggression Models for the Indoor Natural Lighting in House Building

指導教授 : 何友鋒




In response to environmental policy, the Construction and Planning Agency (CPAM), the Ministry of Internal Affairs, has listed “green building” as the focus of construction policy implementation, in which the “building energy efficiency policy” is listed as the most important part. Therefore, how to slow down the load of construction activity on environment has become an important issue of environmental sustainability of buildings. At present, most academic discussions on the use natural lighting environment use the actual measurement and single sky situation for simulation, causing problems such as the lack of experimental samples and excessive simplicity of the models. In view of this, this study aimed to establish the computational models for the use of natural lighting in house building, and determine the optimum shading type according to the application situations, orientations and shading combinations. Meanwhile, by summarizing the measurement data, this study conducted the simulation computation of shading appropriateness of house buildings in Taichung area. The results can serve as a reference to the use and improvement of natural lighting in Central Taiwan. This study referred to the natural lighting environment principle, and used the Sky Dom Laboratory of Department of Architecture, Chaoyang University of Technology as the research site. Fifteen types of sky situational parameters proposed by CIE were used to set the lighting environment that is similar to reality, in order to conduct the house building scale models experiments. The data collected from the indoor natural lighting testing were analyzed to obtain the homogeneity degree, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of daylight rate. The SPSS computation and analysis and the forced input method were used to determine the relevant significance of the impact factors of indoor lighting and further construct the multiple regression equation of high reliability. The empirical studyapplied the multiple regression equations of 6 types of shading combinations for prediction computation, and compared the results with the CNS standard illumination for analysis to learn the appropriateness of various combinations in various orientations. This study was able to predict the optimal illumination of indoor natural lighting for the local environment, and provide a reference to green building designers in the midland. The results suggested that, in the scenario of the fully cloudy situation, the use of natural lighting is relatively poor as the southwest orientation is the only range of utilization. In the scenario of a partially cloudy situation, the use of natural lighting is relatively good in the orientations of northwest-west and northeast-east.In the scenario of a sunny situation, because the light source is too strong, it is relatively no easier to make use of natural lighting as it can easily result in excessively high indoor illumination. Therefore, the natural lighting should be improved to the range of ideal illumination through real-time modification and computation of advantageous characteristics in order to determine the optimal shading combinations for the use of the indoor natural lighting.


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