  • 學位論文

企業客戶服務品質績效評估探討—以F 保險公司為例

Performance Evaluation of Quality of Service for Enterprise Customers - A Case Study of F Company

指導教授 : 洪志興 邱國欽


國人的保險投保率(保險契約有效件數/總人口數)在民國97年正式突破200%。但近年來人口成長幅度有限所以形成壽險業百家爭鳴的狀況,尤其銀行的經代保代在初年度 保費收入佔全國50%以上,超過傳統保險公司的初年度保費收入。故在如此競爭激烈的環境之下各家保險公司愈來愈重視能提供給客戶的服務品質項目以增加客戶的重購率或增加客戶介紹親友購買保單的機會。 因此本研究針對F保險公司之客戶為對象,以問卷方式針對保戶服務滿意度15個題項利用因素分析萃取出2個構面,分別對客戶群之基本資料變項(因子)進行差異分析,以了解不同族群對服務滿意度及重視度認知的差異。並以績效評估矩陣含績效管制界限,找出需要改善的服務題項。本研究結果發現,從24個服務題項中,有12個服務項目需要改善。本研究針對這12個需改善題項提供建議 ,以擬定改善策略並評估執行成效,此過程可提供相關企業經營者作為參考依據。


People''s insurance coverage rate (number of valid insurance contract / total population) in2008, officially the Republic exceeded 200%. But in recent years the population growth rate is limited so the formation of the life insurance industry contending situation, especially by banks on behalf of insurance on behalf of the first year premium income accounted for over 50% more than traditional insurance companies first year premium income. Therefore, in such a competitive environment, more attention under the various insurance companies to provide quality service to cus-tomers in order to increase the customer''s project to re-stock rates or in-crease customer the opportunity to introduce friends and family buy a policy. Therefore, this study for the customers of F insurance company to po-licyholders, use questionnaire satisfaction for 15 questions of the use of factor analysis extracted two dimensions, namely, the basic information on the customer base variables (factors) for variance analysis to under-stand the different ethnic groups on the degree of satisfaction and the importance of cognitive differences. And performance evaluation matrix containing performance control limits, identify the questions the need to improve services. The study found that the questions from the 24 service, there are 12 services needs to be improved. In this study, these 12 questions of the need to improve to provide recommendations to improve pol-icy formulation and to assess the effectiveness of the implementation, this process can provide business owners as a reference.


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