  • 學位論文


A Study of Congregate Social Housing on Open Building Theory

指導教授 : 陳信安


「M型社會」已然成形,近幾年國內的社會住宅也逐漸被推廣,然而人對於居住空間的基本需要,因有生命週期不同階段和住宅空間需求的相對關係,於是提出以開放建築理論操作集合式社會住宅之設計。將集合住宅結合開放建築之理論運用於社會住宅上, 探討集合住宅構築型態、單元住宅和使用者需求。利用「支架體」與「可拆組單元」作為設計「變動住宅」的方法,產生可變動的空間來滿足使用者不同的需求。 本研究探討目的初步為了解國內外集合住宅演變、開放建築理論與社會住宅的發展,進而將開放建築理論相關案例進行研究,透過案例分析探討開放建築理論之應用,將開放建築概念導入未來設計議題進行設計操作。進而選定基地進行實驗性演練,將開放建築理論運用在設計操作上,套入基地法規、基地物理環境分析、定性定量、基地合宜配置檢討、地下室停車規劃、居住單元使用計畫、公共空間使用規劃,商店規劃設計,探討開放式社會住宅之設計發展。並以社會住宅所訴求的經濟與耐用,以減少材料使用量及廢料的產生,降低建築物造價成本,方便做自體調整以延續建築使用壽命,提升環境的永續發展。 本研究成果以開放建築的理論與程序為基礎,提供社會住宅基於「支架體」與「填充空間」兩階段使用上的彈性。以4M*8M為基本居住空間單元平面尺度,進而衍伸出2人、3人及4人的居住空間,滿足使用者於不同生活階段的各式需求,將開放建築提供彈性與變動的特質和社會住宅的變易概念結合,並且達到永續和經濟的成效,實現開放建築理論操作集合式社會住宅。


“M-Shaped Society” has been existing for several years, and social housing been put into operation, too. However, having enough living space is still a basic need for human being. Along of getting older, more family members, we may need more and different kinds of roomage, thus, the study of social housing on open building theory begins. Combined with the theories of congregate housing and open building, focusing on the patterns of building and what the residents really need. To construct “changeable buildings” on the ideas of” support” and “detachable unit” for satisfying the residents. Come to understand the progress of congregate housing at home and abroad, the theory of open building and the development of social housing. Then do the research on the related cases of open building theory, utilize the theory and operate a design on the theory. Choose a site for testing, with site laws, the analysis of the environment, the qualitative and quantitative, the configuration, the parking planning of basement, the using of living unit, the planning of public space, and the planning of the stores, then probe the development of open social housing. Lower the use of construction material and reduce the flotsam, lower the cost to make adjustment easier and let the building last longer for sustainable environment concept. This research is to propose the “support” and “infill” concept by the theory of open building. First, the 4mX8m living unit for one person, after that, two, three and even four satisfied, meet the needs of different life periods. Combine the two concepts of open building and social housing, get the sustainability and economic goals, then make the congregate social housing on open building theory come true.




葉小康(2016)。民間融資提案(Private Finance Initiative)導入低自償性公共工程之研究-以社會住宅為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201600724
