  • 學位論文


A study of Economic Recession’s Impact on a Child’s Family and Parent-Child Interaction

指導教授 : 宋明君


本研究旨在探討經濟衰退期間個案家庭的親子互動之現象,及個案家庭的生活樣貌。研究目的共分為四點:一、探討經濟衰退下個案家庭非自願失業的事件。二、探討經濟衰退下個案家庭非自願失業的家庭資源和社會資源。三、探討經濟衰退下個案家庭非自願失業的生活及因應方式。四、探討經濟衰退下個案家庭非自願失業的自我生命建構。 本研究以質性研究方法之個案研究法,進行半結構式的訪談。另外,論文資料蒐集的期間,研究者以訪談方式與觀察,進入個案家庭的工作場域或約至餐飲店,共六個月。訪談對象主要以個案家庭的母親共訪談七次,和訪談大哥共兩次,再以父親、二哥、妹妹為輔,各訪談一次,使其資料更為豐富。 根據研究結果提出的結論,結論分別如下: 一、經濟衰退下家庭非自願失業的事件 (一)走一步算一步 (二)有工作也賺不錢 (三)家庭壓力大 (四)親子互動差 二、經濟衰退下個案家庭的資源支柱 (一)伴侶攜手面對困境 (二)子女的體貼與窩心 (三)手足、親友的支持 (四)政府的資源 三、經濟衰退下個案家庭的生活及因應方式 (一)有工作,收入卻不敷支出,生活謹慎小心 (二)接受非政府的職業訓練 (三)創業艱難 四、經濟衰退下個案家庭自我生命建構 (一)無奈且難以承受 (二)調適而堅強的面對 (三)以家為重,陪伴子女成長


This study intends to investigate a child’s family and family life after the involuntary unemployment of the father due to the impact of economic recession. The four investigated aspects are as follows: 1. To explore a family affected by involuntary unemployment due to the impact of economic recession. 2. To explore the resources of the case study family. 3. To explore the family life and coping strategies of the case study family. 4 To explore the self-constructing life of the child’s family due to the conditions affecting them. The study was conducted by employing a case study approach of the qualitative research method, utilizing semi-structured interviews. Furthermore, during the data collection period, the researcher spent six months visiting the father’s workplace or meeting the family in cafes for interviews and observation. The respondents (interviewees) were mainly the mother, who was interviewed seven times in total, and the older brother, who was interviewed twice overall. In order to expand the data, the father, second brother and younger sisters were also interviewed once. The conclusions based on the interview are as follows: 1. The situations of the family due to the impact of economic recession. (1)Holding the attitude of “ to cross the bridge when they come to it.” (2)Finding a job and earning money (3)Undergoing great family pressure (4)Suffering poor parent-child interaction 2. The resources and support of the family affected by economic recession. (1)The spouses holding hands to face the adversity (2)The children being considerate and thoughtful (3)The support from the spouse’s siblings, relatives and friends (4)The resources from the government 3. The family life and coping strategies under the impact of economic recession. (1)Being cautious in their life for not making ends meet though under employment (2)Accepting job training from a non-government organization (3)Struggling to set up of a business of their own 4. The self-constructing life of a child’s family influenced by economic recession. (1)Feeling helpless and having difficulty accepting the situation (2)Adapting to adversity and facing the problem (3)Focusing on family and being with their children


