  • 學位論文


Continuance Intention Mode of the Online Travel:A Case Study of Tourism Direct Marketing

指導教授 : 楊欽城 李素箱


隨著網路發達下,不管是資訊傳遞的部份,還是購物的選擇,都增加了有別以往的多元管道,旅遊也是如此。雖然在社群媒體廣泛使用的時代下,旅遊資訊的分享比以往更加方便快速,但仍有部份的人對從網路的管道取得資訊感到疑慮,甚至是從沒使用過旅遊相關的網站,因此,本研究想探討消費者對旅遊直銷業線上系統提供內容的信任與知覺到的價值,對其系統的使用模式,進而持續使用意圖之探討。本研究以Bhattacherjee (2001) 所提之資訊系統持續使用模式(IS-Continuance Model)作為基礎架構,以確認、知覺有用性、滿意度與持續使用意圖間影響的關聯性,進而探討信任對消費者在旅遊直銷業線上系統持續使用意圖之影響。本研究以線上直銷業的消費者為研究對象,以立意抽樣方式於網路進行問卷發放,共發放400份,剔除無效問卷後共計390份,有效回收率為97.5%。所有資料經描述性統計、驗證性因素分析及結構方程模式等方法進行假設驗證。研究結果顯示,資訊系統持續模式可以解釋旅遊直銷業線上系統之影響的關聯性。且加入信任觀點,更能提高資訊系統持續使用模式解釋旅遊直銷業線上系統持續使用意圖之解釋力,希望研究結果能作為學術界及旅遊網站經營者之參考。


As networks developed under, whether it is part of the message, or shopping choices, increase is different from the previous pipeline, traveling as well. Although the sharing of travel information is more convenient and quicker than ever before, tourism information of share than past more convenient fast, but still has part of people on from network of pipeline made information was doubts, even is never using had tourism related of website, so, this research wants to discussion consumers on tourism direct industry online system provides content of trust and perception to of value, on they of continued using intent of discussion.This study Bhattacherjee (2001) the continuous use of the information system model (IS-Continuance Model) as infrastructure, to confirm the usefulness, perception, satisfaction and continue to affect the relationship between the intended use of and direct on the trust of consumers in the tourism industry continuing impact of intended use of the online system, hoped that the findings can be used as reference of the academic world and travel website operators.This research focuses on online consumer study of the direct marketing industry, purposive sampling questionnaire distribution network, out 400 copies, excluding invalid questionnaires amounted to 390, effective recovery of 97.5%. All data with descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling method of hypothesis testing, and use the PLS data analysis software tools for statistical analysis.The results show that the information system persistence model can explain the relevance of the impact of the online direct marketing system. And join the perspective of trust, but also improve the information system to continue to use the mode of interpretation of travel direct sales online system to continue to use the interpretation of the intention.


