  • 學位論文


The effects of an integrated supply chain management on customer service, customer value, and firm performance

指導教授 : 葉焜煌


本研究以整合供應鏈管理為主要構念,利用結構方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)探討廠商導入整合供應鏈管理將會如何影響顧客服務、顧客價值與廠商績效,並進一步檢視藉由顧客服務與顧客價值的提升會如何影響廠商績效。 研究樣本以天下雜誌2004年5 月1日出版台灣製造業排名前1000大企業中,針對電子、電腦週邊與零組件、通訊與網路、電腦系統、半導體、光電產業進行普查,利用問卷調查法進行資料收集,將所得資料利用AMOS軟體4.0版進行測量模型與結構模型分析。結果說明廠商若實行整合供應鏈管理,會增進顧客服務與廠商績效。再者,廠商若能提升顧客服務,讓顧客感受到價值的增加,則會對廠商績效有顯著提升的效果。 研究結論說明製造業廠商若想要改善廠商績效,建議實施整合供應鏈管理,藉助整合供應鏈管理四項指標變數的應用,特別是著重Scm2(整合電子資料交換)指標的運用,可以正向增進廠商績效。另外藉由實施整合供應鏈管理來加強顧客服務,特別著重Cs1(缺貨後送)與Cs2(彈性顧客服務)二項指標改進。再者加強顧客服務會正向提升顧客知覺到的價值、尤其是Cv4(因交貨前置時間縮短,廠商可以收取溢價)與Cv1(相較於所付出的價格,廠商可以得到良好品質的產品)二項指標加強,最終會正向幫助廠商績效的增加。所以廠商在導入整合供應鏈管理來強化顧客服務時,必須要讓顧客感受到產品與服務所帶來的利益大於成本,才能對最終的績效有正向的提升。


Supply chain management (SCM) is the integration of key business processes among a network of interdependent suppliers, manufacturers, distribution centers, and retailers in order to improve the flow of goods, services, and information from original suppliers to final customers, with the objectives of reducing system-wide costs while maintaining required service levels. Successful SCM coordinates and integrates all of these activities into a seamless process. Supply chains should be managed in an integrated manner. Integrated SCM focuses on managing relationships, information, and material flow across organizational borders to cut costs and enhance flow. This study focuses on integrated SCM and uses it as main research construct. And then uses structural equation model (SEM) analysis method to validate the relationship among four main constructs of integrated SCM, customer service (CS), customer value (CV), and firm performance (FP). The research uses 1000 manufacturing companies in Taiwan reported by CommonWealth Magazine on May 1 2004 as research subjects. The survey samples are chosen form five industries including computer peripherals and components, semiconductor, computer system, electronics, communications and internet, and photonics. According to the analytic result of hypotheses test, integrated SCM will significantly positively affect on customer service and firm performance, customer service will positively enhance customer value and customer value will positively increase firm performance.


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