  • 學位論文


The Relationship Among Strategic Role, FDI Motivation, Location Choice, and Cluster Effect-An Empirical Study on Taiwan Companies

指導教授 : 梁文貴


在全球化的浪潮下,企業為尋求永續經營、取得或更便宜的使用所需要的生產要素和資源、分散國內投資風險,會利用國外投資以增強企業的生存力與競爭力。而母公司在考量當地環境及公司未來發展後,會思考進一步加碼大陸的風險,使子公司不再只具有單一功能,而是負擔多功能活動的角色。企業前往大陸投資時的地點選擇多座落在經濟區內,主要的原因在於分享經濟區中的政府優惠制度及其有形與無形利益,處在群聚中廠商可以接觸到更多的上游供應商、共同合作夥伴、勞動力、市場資源、創新技術能力、以及透過公會組織所分享到的商業資訊,比起其他單打獨鬥的競爭對手而言,群聚會使廠商獲得更多的商業優勢。本研究以大陸台商為例,探討策略角色與投資動機對於區位選擇之關係,以及區位選擇為企業帶來的群聚效益。 本研究之研究目的為(1)發展一模式以了解台商在大陸子公司、投資動機、區位選擇及群聚效益之關係;(2)經濟特區對於區位選擇與群聚效益的影響;(3)此外,對於前往大陸投資台商提出投資地點選擇之建議。本研究對象在大陸投資之上市上櫃製造業廠商為主,回收有效問卷83份,進行統計分析。另外科技公司進行訪談,且將訪談結果與研究結果相互對照。研究發現(1)前往大陸投資的製造業台商之大陸子公司角色以積極型為多,除了聽從台灣母公司之命令,另外也從事開發市場的業務,所以在投資地點的區位選擇時,注重當地經濟發展;(2)子公司的當地化程度以及與母公司的整合程度會顯著的影響台商前往大陸投資的區位選擇(3)台商前往大陸投資的主要目的主要是為了保有市場與訂單、降低生產運輸成本,以及維持與上下游廠商之關係,但不同的投資動機對於區位選擇沒有顯著的影響;(4) 在群聚效益方面,廠商若注重勞動、市場、當地制度等三項區位因素,則所產生之群聚效益會與“降低成本”、“共享制度與建設”、“提升創新能力”的優勢有關。另外,如果廠商較注重無形的區位因素,則表示,廠商希望藉由在此地設廠來獲得無形的利益,如提升競爭力及創新能力等。 實證指出,台商前往大陸投資主要原因為其上游供應商與下游顧客轉移至海外設立生產或行銷據點,為維持保有生意,降低成本、與供應商及銷售商垂直整合的情況下,因此必須跟進前往大陸投資,以追求市場為目的,在區位選擇上會選擇靠近上下游廠商的地點設廠生產以降低產品的運輸成本之外,低廉的勞動力也是其中一個因素,可以降低廠商的生產成本。另外,經由實際訪談發現大陸子公司多為接受型角色的子公司,僅負責製造產品功能,其餘決策事項,皆遵從母公司的決定,通常是由台灣接單,在大陸出口與製造,大陸子公司甚少參與研發與創新產品等活動。 實際訪談發現,中小企業在區位上以接近廠商及競爭者為主,而群聚效益則以降低成本、共享廉價勞動力最為顯著,企業不會強求開發當地市場,主要是因為業者覺得,大陸人口眾多,對於產品一定也有多種的要求,而且業者沒有辦法準確的去抓住切入市場的時機,因此很容易失敗,損失許多金錢、人力、時間。所以通常商品以供應上下游廠商為多,再出口回台灣對其他國家企業銷售。 此外,大陸群聚的東南沿海各省發生缺水、缺電、缺工問題,已讓當地投資台商叫苦連天,紛紛籌思應變之道。為了減輕中國在政治制度、地區建設、人才發展方面缺口,台灣企業可以選擇到其他鄰近國家投資設廠。 最後,台灣對大陸的投資明顯牽動著台商海外生產的佈局及分工的形式,也影響到未來台灣產業結構調整的方向。未來我的對外投資不能全以生產成本為投資地點的考量核心,而必須兼顧不同生產地點的策略性地位。為防止國內產業空洞化,應鞏固核心競爭力,與海外進行分工佈局,將海外投資視為擴展企業規模的手段之一。


In order to sustain operating performance, improve competitive advantage, obtain low-priced resource or material, and reduce risk of domestic investment, enterprises will engage in foreign direct investment. On the other hand, parent company according to the local environment and company future development, they will ponder over the next strategy in China, include invest more capital and manpower to expend their existing scale. A subsidiary not only has a single activity with local or parent but also to produce high-class product or to sustain great responsibilities such as R&D or design activities. Companies share policy preferential treatment and hard or soft benefit in cluster. Enterprise in cluster can access more upstream and downstream firms and business information. They can obtain more advantage than other firms that not locate in cluster. This research includes three questions: exploring (1) developing the model for the relationship among strategic role of subsidiary, FDI motivation, location choice and cluster effect; (2) does the special economic zone influence the location choice and cluster effect? (3) providing insights and guidelines with Taiwan MNCs to effectively deal with location choice from China. This research subjects are Taiwanese manufacturing MNCs—TSE-listed and OTC-listed companies investing and/or establishing subsidiaries in Mainland China. The research totally mailed 640 questionnaires and received 83 valid returns. We also have interviews with TRIO Technology Co. Ltd. to respond to research outcomes. There are several important finding in this research: (1) most of manufacturing industry subsidiary in China is active strategic role. Beside comply with the parent company’s decision, they also deal with some activities of the local market. So they stress importance of local economy; (2) the degree of integration with parent and the degree of localization have a positive relationship with location choice; (3) in this study, most of enterprises that invest in China are marketing seeking but their motivation have none effect on location choice; (4) if firms pay much attention to workforce, market, and local infrastructure, they can obtain reduced cost, shared institution and infrastructure, and improved innovation capability significantly. In addition, if companies focused on intangible location factors, they hope gain intangible benefits like improving their innovation capability or competitive through locate in special site. Taiwan MNCs invest and build China subsidiaries not only seek to the proposition of cost leadership but also they maintain a good partnership with upstream and downstream firms that move to China and approached local market. In order to maintain their relationship between the upstream and downstream firms and react to the competitors’ move, defend their order for goods, reinforce their cost advantage, and reduce production and transportation cost, close their upstream and downstream firms are the most important to enterprise, and then is the workforce factor. The interviewees mentioned that Taiwan MNCs in China are mostly small and medium-sized enterprise manufacturers and their subsidiary in China has only production function, so they are mostly of receptive subsidiary--only comply with the decision of the parent company and few activities with local. When they choose locations, they prefer to locate their subsidiary in costly advantage location, but they seldom focused on R&D and develop domestic market. Through actual interview, firms’ clustering effects are most appearing on lowering costs, sharing cheap labor force. Enterprises will not impose on domestic market, because they thought that China has a large population, have many kinds of requests for the products. And firms can’t catch a good chance to enter the market so easy to fail and lost a lot of money, manpower, and time. So they supply their goods to their upstream and downstream firms or re-export to Taiwan or other countries. Some southeast coastal province of clustering lacks water, electricity, and workforce questions let the Taiwan MNCs complain bitterly. They have begun to consider finding a good way to solve these questions. In order to reduce the redeem of political institution, regional construction and talent development in China, Taiwanese MNCs can enter these countries to set their production base in the future. Finally, the Taiwan MNCs investment in the mainland China are not only obviously affecting the overall oversea arrangement and division of labour forms of Taiwan enterprises, but also influence direction of industrial structure of Taiwan in the future. In the future, enterprises’ FDI can’t take production cost as the only principal thing to locate factory, and must give consideration to the plants’ strategy positions on different production sites. In order to prevent industrial hollowing-out, government should consolidate enterprises’ core competition and administer the industrial division of labor and regard FDI as a measure to expand scale of the enterprise.


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