  • 學位論文


Quenching Behavior of Parabolic Problems with Localized Reaction Term

指導教授 : 廖漢雄


令 $ riangle $ 是 $n$ 維空間中的 Laplace 運算元. 本論文討論以下具局部反應項的起始邊界值問題: egin{align*} u_{t}(x,t)=Delta u(x,t)+ frac{1}{(1-u(x,t))^{p}}+frac{1}{(1-u(x^{*},t))^{q}}, (x,t)in B imes(0,T), end{align*} egin{align*} u(x,0)=u_{0}(x), xin B, end{align*} egin{align*} u(x,t)=0, (x,t)inpartial B imes(0,T), end{align*} 其中 $B={xin Bbb{R}^n: |x|<1 }$, $partial B={xin Bbb{R}^n: |x| =1}$, $x^{*}in B$, $00$, 以及 $u_{0}geq 0$. 本文討論解的存在性及漸滅現象. 進一步, 當 $x^{*}=0$ 時, 可找出靠近漸滅時間時的漸滅速率.


Let $ riangle $ be the Laplace operator in $n$ dimensional space. This paper studies the following the initial-boundary value problem with localized reaction term: egin{align*} u_{t}(x,t)=Delta u(x,t)+ frac{1}{(1-u(x,t))^{p}}+frac{1}{(1-u(x^{*},t))^{q}}, (x,t)in B imes(0,T), end{align*} egin{align*} u(x,0)=u_{0}(x), xin B, end{align*} egin{align*} u(x,t)=0, (x,t)inpartial B imes(0,T), end{align*} where $B={xin Bbb{R}^n: |x|<1 }$, $partial B={xin Bbb{R}^n: |x| =1}$, $x^{*}in B$, $00$, and $u_{0}geq 0$. The existence and quenching behavior of the problem are studied. For the case $x^{*}=0$, the quenching rate of solution near the quenching time is investigated.


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