  • 學位論文


The Impact Of Implementing E-commerce Clustering Website On Performance In Traditional Industries

指導教授 : 林淑瓊


近年來,為提升我國企業的國際競爭力,政府致力於協助國內企業提高電子商務之相關能力,使得電子商務在台灣市場有穩健的發展基礎與豐富經驗,並達到產值提升、提高國際競爭力等優勢。然而,由於城鄉差距的關係,台灣許多偏遠地區之傳統產業業者只能侷限在區域發展,地方群聚網絡並無法有效突破地理限制以拓展通路增加商機。有鑑於此,經濟部中小企業處於民國94年開始推行「縮減產業數位落差計畫」,透過數位能力的培訓與行銷資源整合等方式,幫助傳統產業進行電子商務群聚網站之導入,希望能改善店家營運狀況,增加在地就業機會,許多業者共襄盛舉,在計畫的協助下完成導入,然而導入後之經營績效卻有高低之分,推測原因可能與影響業者之導入前因素及導入後之營運管理過程有關,為了更深入地瞭解業者導入時的轉變過程與經營管理之成效,並探討影響導入成效之因素,而進行本研究。 本研究以問卷調查的實證方式,針對經濟部中小企業處民國94年「縮減產業數位落差計畫」中成功並且尚在營運的線上群聚網站業者們進行問卷調查與量化分析,以釐清「導入前因素」(「外在壓力」、「知覺利益」、「組織準備度」)對於導入原因與過程之影響,並了解導入完成後所伴隨之「電子商務化的營運管理」過程對「經營績效」的影響,找出影響導入成效之關鍵,並針對問題提出解決方案。研究結果證實導入前因素對業者進行電子商務化營運管理之程度成正向影響,其中以外在壓力對業者們導入動機之影響最為顯著影響,並藉由來自於政府、服務供應商以及競爭對手之外在壓力,業者們建立了強大的知覺利益;部分業者在組織準備度部份稍嫌不佳或是本身產品或服務不適合使用線上群聚網站來進行銷售,導致電子商務化的營運管理效率較低,同時反應在財務面的經營績效也略低於非財務面。為了改善這方面問題,相關單位應從慎選商品服務適合群聚網站之導入對象著手,除了可增加導入效率外亦可避免資源的不必要浪費。導入完成後業者應積極經營網站,各相關單位也應積極地提升網站知名度,才能在經營績效上得到預期中的成長,進而幫助店家在越加激烈的環境中生存。


Nowadays, in order to promote the international competitiveness of our native enterprises, the government has endeavored to assist native enterprises in enhancing e-commerce related abilities so as to bring a steady developing base and abundant experiences to e-commerce. As a result, its product value and international competitiveness would be promoted. However, owing to the differences between urban and suburban areas, many remote traditional industrialists was limited to their own region, and regional clustering network could not break through the geographical limit to broaden channel as well as increase business opportunity. Hence, the small and medium enterprise administration, ministry of economic affairs, in 2005, has started to carry out “the plan of reducing digital divide in industries” to assist traditional industries in implementing e-commercial clustering websites through the training of digital abilities and the integration of business resources etc. in hope that the business performance and regional employment chances would be improved. As a result, many industrialists completed implementing. However, industrialists’ business performances after implementing are uneven. The main reason may be the former factor and the business management process after implementing. In order to realize industrialists’ turning process and managing effects when implementing and to discuss the causes affecting the implementing effects, my research was carried out. My research has invited the successful and still operating on-line clustering websites industrialists in the plan to conduct a poll and carry out quantification analysis in order to realize the influences that “the former factors” (“external pressures”, ”perceived benefits”, and “organization readiness” ) brought to implementing reasons and process, to realize how the process of “e-commercializational business management” affected the business performance after implementing and to find out the key point of influencing implement effects then to offer solving methods. The research proved that the former factors would positively affect the extent to carry out e-commercializational business management, especially external pressure. By the external pressure from government, service suppliers and competitors, industrialists constructed strong perceived benefits. However, without complete organization readiness or suitable products and service, some industrialists were not fit to sell in on-line clustering websites. Hence, the efficiency of e-commercializational business management and the financial business performance were worse than non-financial aspects. To improve the problem, the related units should choose the suitable implementing industrialists prudently to enhance the efficiency and avoid the unnecessary waste of resources. After finishing implement, industrialists should operate websites positively and the related units should propagate websites positively so as to reach expected business performance and help industrialists to exist in highly competitive environment.


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