  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship Between Learning School and School Effectiveness-A Case of the Characteristic Schools

指導教授 : 林海清


本研究之主要目的,在探討百大特色小學營造學習型學校與學校效能關係 之研究。為達到研究目的,乃依據文獻探討分析,自編「國民小學營造學習型 學校與學校效能關係之調查問卷」為研究工具,以九十八年度百大特色小學教 育人員為研究對象,待完成問卷蒐集運用t考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差 相關、多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行實證研究。探討國民小學營造學習型學校 對學校效能關係之研究結果,歸納結論如下:百大特色小學教育人員對於營 造學習型學校、學校效能現況知覺程度良好;營造學習型學校與學校效能有 顯著正相關;學習型學校對於學校效能具有預測作用。並提出建議:教育行 政單位應推動落實營造學習型學校並提供人力、物力支援,輔導大型學校營 造學習型學校素養。校長要有營造學習型學校的理念與企圖心,適時調整教 師擔任行政工作歷練的機會,建立新進教育人員輔導機制。資淺教師應多參 加各項專業成長研習活動,主動參與校務行政工作,增加互動學習的機會。 在未來研究加入百大特色以外小學,加以對照比較。


The main purpose of this study is for investigating the relationship between the learning school and school effectiveness. The related document database and designed questionnaire of “The relationships between the learning school and school effectiveness” were used as the research tool to acquire the information for analysis. In this research, the educators in the one hundred characteristic schools were selected and surveyed. The data were analyzed using t-test, one-way ANOVA , and multiple regression analysis. The results have shown that the understanding of the educators in the learning school relative to achieving the mission of the learning school is in the category of “above the average”, the current school effectiveness was found to be “above the average”, the relationship of the learning school to school effectiveness is “high”, and the school effectiveness is predictably improved by the learning school. The following several recommendations have been made for promoting school effectiveness. First of all, the education administration has to establish the learning school, offer enough human resources and financial support, and promote the concept of the learning school in large schools. Secondly, the school principals must have the vision for creating a learning school, offer the opportunities for school teachers to have administrative experience, and establish training programs for new educators. Thirdly, the junior school teachers have to learn the skills from experienced senior school teachers, participate in professional workshops, become involved in the school administrative work, and increase interactions with others. Lastly, the comparison between school learning effectiveness of the one hundred learning schools verses the non-selected learning schools has to be investigated in the future.


林志成(2010)。臺灣地區特色學校之發展現況及未來展望。學校行政雙月刊,66, 2010/3 1-19。
林明地(2000)。助長學校組織學習的關鍵:校長轉型領導。學校行政雙月刊,8, 4-11。


