  • 學位論文


The study of travel motivation and satisfaction of Ho-Fon bikeway visitors

指導教授 : 張峻嘉


近年來,環保意識抬頭,不會排放廢氣的自行車,被公認是「綠色運具」,加上荷蘭、日本等國家相繼推展自行車觀光,此潮流也進入了台灣。在政府的積極推廣之下,已陸續闢建數十條的自行車道。自行車已由單純的交通工具,逐漸也具備休閒、遊憩功能。 本研究以I.P.A(Importance-Performance Analysis)分析法探討后豐鐵馬道遊客的行前期望、動機與滿意度,並提出需要加強改善的項目。本研究採問卷調查方式,便利抽樣后豐鐵馬道的遊客,以進行資料搜集,共發出500份問卷,得到467份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率為93.4%。研究結果發現,首先,遊客年齡以19~24 歲、學歷大專院校、居住於中部地區,及自行開車前來遊玩者居多,而獲取資訊方面大多靠親友與網路,同行的大多為朋友同學。其次,旅遊動機以「車道封閉性好、可以安全活動」、「離開都市接近自然」、「車道路線規劃良好」等三項平均數最高。此外,遊客行前期望與動機方面呈現正相關。而且,受訪遊客對后豐鐵馬道的體驗感受,普遍感到滿意,重遊意願高,而且樂於向他人推薦后豐鐵馬道。最後,以I.P.A分析遊客行前期望與滿意度中,「交通便利性」、「車道規劃完善」、「路線安全」、「沿路風景優美」、「車輛管制」、「自行車出租店家多」是符合遊客期望並滿意的項目,「餐飲供給」、「后里馬場」和「手冊資訊充足」屬於需要盡快改善的三個項目。


In recent years, environmental discussions were attached importance, bicycle was name the “Green Mode” because won’t produce waste gas. In addition, such countries as Holland, Japan, etc. promote the bicycle to visit in succession, this trend has entered Taiwan too. Under the government's positive popularization, have already built up several bikeway successively. Bicycle is not only the transportation, but also have the function of leisure activity and recreation. The purpose of this research is use I.P.A(Importance-Performance Analysis)to investigate the travel motivation, satisfaction of Ho-Fon bikeway area visitors, and to analyze need improvement item for future. Use questionnaire collect data from the visitors.By means of convenience sampling, 500 self-administered questionnaires were distributed to recreation visitors on the Ho-Fon bikeway, 467 self-administered questionnaires were usable. The survey response rate was 93.4%.The results we find:First, most respondents are 19-24 years old, college students, live in the adjacent area and visit Ho-Fon bikeway area by cars. And they get information by relatives and friends and internet, companion are friends or classmates. Second, the travel motivation item “The route closeness is good and safe”, “Experience nature”, and “The routes are planned well ” are the three highest motivations. Third, a positive correlation exists between travel motivation and pre-trip expextation. Then, those tourists who participated in the survey are quite satisfied with the overall presentation and experience of the Ho-Fon bikeway, and have high probability of re-visiting the place again. In addition, the tourists who participated in the survey would also highly recommend this place to others. Finally, by using I.P.A to analyze visitor’s pre-trip expectation and satisfaction , “Traffic convenience”, “Planning route”, “Route safety”, “The route view is graceful”, “Control vehicle”, “The bicycle hire shop is enough” is accord with visitors and expect and satisfaction. “Building restaurants”, “Ho-Li horse farm” and “Manual’s contents” are three most need to improve items.


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