  • 學位論文


A Research on Relation Among the Service Quality , Satisfaction of Yacht Exposition and Tourist behavior –- an Example of the Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area.

指導教授 : 林銘昌


中文摘要   日月潭是台灣的第一大湖泊,同時也是國內的前十大遊客到訪旅遊據點之一,具有豐富且多樣化的休閒功能。為了使遊客能方便旅遊的進行,提供服務訊息的方法很多,但截至目前為止還沒有任何解說媒體可以完全滿足遊客的旅遊資訊需求,而其中的「人員解說」除進行資訊傳達外,更擔任自然環境及管理單位與遊客間的溝通橋樑,直接引領遊客進入大自然的世界。日月潭「遊艇導覽解說」服務工作的推動,除了將日月潭的景觀介紹給遊客外,更直接與遊客進行互動,了解遊客的需求,提供遊客知性與感性的旅遊環境。 本研究的目的在了解日月潭遊艇導覽解說服務的重要性、遊艇導覽解說服務的滿意度及對於遊客購後行為的影響,以搭乘遊艇的遊客為研究調查對象,探討遊客在搭乘遊艇接受解說服務後,對於「遊艇導覽解說重要性」的認知、「解說服務品質滿意度」及「遊客行為」間之關係。 研究結果發現,遊客對「遊艇導覽解說服務的重要性」看法不會因為背景的不同而有所差異。搭乘遊艇的遊客以北部地區最多,中部地區重遊且搭乘遊艇的遊客比率最高;平均消費能力最高的是軍公教,最低的是學生。遊客對遊艇導覽解說的重要性當中,有六成以上的遊客對於解說內容重於解說服務的態度。對於服務品質滿意度則以對解說員的「服務態度滿意度」高於「解說內容的滿意度」;而遊客對於「農特產品」解說的重要性及解說的滿意度普遍偏低。解說後對遊客行為的影響有下列:女性較男性容易增加消費支出、北部與中部地區的遊客消費意願高於其他地區、軍公教增加消費支出比率高於其他的職業等;研究顯示遊艇導覽解說對於遊客對解說服務重要性、服務品質滿意度與購後行為間具有正向影響關係存在。


Abstract Sun Moon Lake is the island’s largest lake in Taiwan ,and one of the domestic top ten tourist’s spots wide a with variety of recreation functions. There are different ways to provide service information in order to enable tourist’s to travel smoothly. However until now, no explanation media can totally meet tourist’s to travel information need Among those medias “guide explanation” not only convey message but also play a communication bridge between nature and management unit, leading tourists to nature directly. A boost to “yacht guided tour explanation ” service of Sum Moon Lake not only introduce views of sum Moon Lake to tourist’s, but directly interact with tourist’s , understand tourists needs, provide tourist’s with intellectural and emotional travel environment. The purpose of this research : understand the importance of Sum Moon Lake yacht guided tour explanation service , the satisfaction of yacht guided ‘tour explanation service and the influence of tourist’s behavior after purchase . We take tourist’s of yachts as respondents , trying to probe into the relation among the cognition of “ the importance of yacht guided ‘tour explanation” , “the satisfaction of explanation service quality ” and “ tourist’s behavior ” after tourist’s of yachts accepting explanation service. The results of the research discover that different background tourist’s view toward “ the importance of yacht guided tour explanation does not show difference . The most yacht tourist’s come from the northern part of Taiwan , and tourists from the middle part of Taiwan have the highest rate to revisit and take yachts ; The officers , civic servants , and teacher have the highest average consumption capacity and the students have the lowest . About the importance of yacht guided ‘tour explanation , over 60% tourists consider the material of explanation . About service quality satisfaction , tourists are more satisfied with narrator’s “ service attitude ” than “explanation material and tourists show generally low satisfaction about the importance of “ agricultural product and specialty ” explanation and narrator’s explanation . The influences on tourists behavior after explanation list below : the female are more apt to increase spending than the male ; Tourists from the northern and middle part of Taiwan have the higher willing to spend money than the other parts of Taiwan ; The officers , civic servants , and teachers have the higher rate to increase spending than the anther occupations . The research shows that yacht guided ‘tour explanation has positive influence power on tourists view towards the importance of explanation service , tourists services quality satisfaction ,and tourists after-purchase behavior.


