  • 學位論文


The Study of the Perceived Water-Accessibility

指導教授 : 羅鳳恩


親水活動發展可以緩和都市空間的問題,並有提昇環境品質的功能,為了提供國人更多更好的休閒遊憩場所。台灣四面環海且有許多河川,台灣水域將成為未來重要的觀光遊憩資源。 本研究目的係為探討台灣居民對於親水環境的定義、親水環境喜好情形、親水環境認知、親水遊憩體驗認知、及現有台灣親水休閒遊憩之滿意度。研究方法係以便利抽樣法發放問卷,於二○○七年三月至四月發放435份問卷,回收400份有效問卷,回收率88 ﹪。 研究結果發現: 一、所有受訪者認為所謂親水環境的定義 大部份受訪者認為所謂親水環境的定義,是「到河邊或溪邊」或「到親水公園」。 二、所有受訪者對於親水環境喜好情形 (一)所有受訪者均曾經到水邊遊玩,91.7%受訪者選擇喜歡去水邊遊玩。 (二)選擇不喜歡到水邊遊玩之受訪者不喜歡到水邊遊玩原因是怕有危險。 三、受訪者對於親水環境認知 (一)大部分受訪者選擇最喜歡做「親水」活動的地方為海邊、河邊或溪邊。 (二)至所有受訪者最喜歡做「親水」活動的地方從事親水活動頻率,大部分選「平均一年一次」。 (三)至所有受訪者最喜歡做「親水」活動地方,大部分受訪者最喜歡做的親水活動為游泳、泡水以及散步。 (四)至所有受訪者最喜歡做「親水」活動地方,大部分受訪者認為親水設施並不太多。 (五)大部分受訪者認為台灣可供從事親水活動之親水地區數量很少。 (六)大部分受訪者對於在台灣的河川或溪流上被覆蓋建物是表示不贊成的。 (七)約有一半受訪者贊成拆除覆蓋於台灣河川或溪流上建物。 四、受訪者對親水遊憩體驗之認知 受訪者對親水遊憩體驗之認知之前三名為「輕鬆自在」、「減少壓力」及「恢復活力」。 五、受訪者對親水休閒遊憩之滿意度 (一)所有受訪者「年齡」與「親水環境規劃」、「親水休閒遊憩設施規劃」、「親水休閒遊憩設施維護」等三構面滿意度有顯著性差異。 (二)所有受訪者「職業」與「親水休閒遊憩設施規劃」、「親水休閒遊憩設施維護」等二個構面滿意度有顯著性差異。 (三)所有受訪者「教育程度」與「親水環境規劃」構面之滿意度有顯著性差異。 研究顯示受訪者對於親水空間的需求很大,有關河川用地的規劃,應盡量避免在河川上覆蓋建物,以免使河川生態遭到破壞,也避免剝奪民眾親水權利。有關親水環境的改善需參酌民眾意見,方能得到較佳的成果。有關水域安全,需加強親水環境安全規劃與維護,鼓勵民眾學習游泳、甚至水上安全及水上救生訓練,以增加民眾從事親水活動之安全。期盼本研究結果能提供政府機關及民間團體做為提升台灣整體親水環境的參考。


The activities of water-accessibility can release the crowded city spaces, increase the function of environmental quality, and support more leisure and recreational places. Sea surrounds, rivers and streams are flowing on Taiwan. They can provide many tourism resources. The objectives of this research were to study the definition of water-accessible environments, the perceived preference to play around the water-accessible sites, the perceived experience of water-accessible recreation, and the satisfaction of the water-accessible leisure and recreation. Four hundred and thirty-five people were selected in this cross-sectional, descriptive study by using a structured questionnaire. There were 400 valid questionnaires collected to analyze as the results, the valid corresponding rate was 88%. The surveys were conducted during the period of March to April 2007. The results of this study were the followings: 1.The most perceived definition of water-accessible environments was rivers, streams or water-accessible parks. 2.The perceived preferences to play around the water-accessible sites: (1)All of the surveyed people had ever gone to play around the water-accessible sites, 91.7% of the surveyed samples liked to play around the water-accessible places. (2)The reasons for that the surveyed people did not like to play around the water-accessible places was dangerous. 3.The perceived experience of water-accessible recreation: (1) The perceived preferences to play around the water-accessible sites were sea shores, riversides or the sides of streams. (2) The frequency of the perceived preferences to play around the water-accessible sites was once a year. (3) The activities of the perceived preferences to play around the water-accessible sites were swimming, staying on the water and jogging. (4) The facilities of the perceived preferences to play around the water-accessible sites were not too many. (5) The numbers of the places for the perceived preferences to play around the water-accessible sites were rare. (6)Most of the surveyed people did not agree to cover the surfaces of the rivers or streams of Taiwan. (7) Around half of the surveyed ones agree to deconstruct the covers of the rivers or streams of Taiwan. 4. To relax, to decrease pressure, and to recover energy were the top three perceived experience of water-accessible recreation. 5. The satisfaction of the water-accessible leisure and recreation: (1)The different surveyed people’ ages significantly correlated to the planning of the water-accessible environments, the planning and the maintenance of the water-accessible leisure and recreational facilities. (2)The different surveyed people’ occupations significantly correlated to the planning of the planning and the maintenance of the water-accessible leisure and recreational facilities. (3)The different surveyed people’ educations significantly correlated to the planning of the planning of the water-accessible environments. According to the results of this study, lots of water-accessible spaces are required by the surveyed people. We should avoid covering the surfaces of the rivers or streams of Taiwan, to destroying the ecology of surface water, and to depriving the people’s water-accessible rights. Therefore, the authorized Governments are suggested to adopted people’s opinions to improve the water-accessible environments. Especially for the water base, to improve the planning and the maintenance of safe facilities, and to encourage people to learn swimming and water rescue technology. The results of this study are expected to give the references for the authorized Governments to increase the quality of the water-accessible environments.





