  • 學位論文


The utilization of health examination and it’s associated factors among elderly with cardiovascular disease in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張明正


本研究主要探討65歲以上的老人健康檢查利用之現況,藉由總體與個體分析進一步瞭解其影響因素為何。研究資料來自於2002年台灣地區國民健康促進知識、態度與行為調查資料庫。 於個體分析研究結果呈現教育程度高中者、收入較低者、有養成運動習慣及飲食控制者、居住於鄉鎮地區者及自覺罹患高血脂者其健康檢查利用情形較良好;然而,於總體分析結果顯示,居住於都市化程度較低者及收入愈低者其健康檢查利用情形較佳。 由於多數居住於鄉鎮地區罹患心血管疾病老人,較會利用衛生所作醫療照護,顯示鄉鎮地區老人較會利用當地衛生所來控制疾病及醫療照護,建議可將定期健康檢查觀念及服務透過醫師門診進行宣導,以及擴大宣傳管道使民眾瞭解自我權益;於總體分析發現縣市間健康檢查利用情形差異較大,可經由政策面改善縣市間健康檢查利用之差異,以縮小縣市間之差異,建議都市地區醫院或門診透過醫師及護士鼓勵罹患心血管疾病之老人能善加利用每年一次之免費健康檢查,以真正落實預防保健之政策。


This study examined the helath examination utilization among the elderly 65 and older and it’s determinants at both micro and macro level of analysis. The data were derived from the 2002 survey of knowledge about, attitude toward, and practice of health promotion in Taiwan. The analytical results show that the elderly with senior high﹑lower income﹑good dietary habits﹑regular exercise﹑living in rural area﹑or susceptibility to dyslipidemia are more likely to take the health examination at the individual level. Howerer, at the macro level, the elderly living in the county with lesser degree of urbanization or lower level of income are more likely to take the health examination. Since many of elderly with cardiovascular disease and living in rural area take advantage of the health station for their medical care, it is somewhat suggested that the rural elderly are more likely to be advised by the health professional at the health station to have a free annual health examination. To narrow the gap in the performance of the health examination between urban and rural area, it is also suggested that urban hospital or clinic should encourage the patients with cardiovascular disease to take the annual health examination with the aid of nurse medical doctors.


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