  • 學位論文


The Attitude toward Nursing Institution in the Middle- and Old-Aged|

指導教授 : 劉俊昌


台灣地區的人口高齡化之發展迅速,而相關生活保障措施尚未建立完整。因此,有關老人福利與老年安養政策等議題,近年來頗受各界專業人士與政府多方的關切與討論,可見老人福利與老年安養機構的建構有其急迫性。本研究之主要目的在瞭解中高齡者對安養機構的態度,以提供我國安養機構服務發展規劃之參考。研究對象為至彰化地區某區域教學醫院看病或陪病之50 歲以上中高齡者,進行問卷的發放與回收,共發出350 份問卷,有效回收問卷259 份,回收率74 %。在生活型態方面本研究發現;中高齡者對於家人團聚、按時起居 及定食定量非常重視,而且比較喜歡住在郊區或鄉下,對於參與政治活動則興趣缺缺不高,對於花錢訂閱健康雜誌也興趣不高。對安養機構的設備方面最重視其硬體設備及設施的安全,對安養機構的服務方面則最重視服務人員的服務品質。 進一步分析有以下發現;職業為金融保險業的中高齡者比職業為政府機關之中高齡者更響往健康家庭的生活。每月可支配所得4 萬元以上之中高齡者比2 萬元以下之中高齡者,及從事金融保險業之中高齡者比從事政府機關之中高齡者較熱衷於社區交際事務。職業為政府 機關之中高齡者比職業為製造業之中高齡者較常參與各項藝文活動。從事醫療服務業之中高齡者比職業為政府機關之中高齡者更重視安養機構之各項設備之齊全與安全。受訪者為61 歲~65 歲中高齡者比66 歲以上之中高齡者較重視安養機構之各項設施設備之齊全及安 全,亦較重視安養機構之各項服務措施與休閒活動。中高齡者生活型態之健康家庭、熱忱服務及品質優雅與對安養機構設備及服務的態度皆呈現顯著正相關。


The research subjects were selected from the outpatients (or their company) over 50 years old visiting a regional teaching hospital in Changhua. A questionnaire survey was adopted for data collection. In total, 350 questionnaires were completed. Of them, only 259 were valid,giving a response rate of 74%. The findings of this study showed that the surveyed middle- and old-aged valued family reunion, regular daily life and regular diet a lot. They preferred living in the suburban or countryside, had less enthusiasm in taking part in political activities and felt less interested in spending money on health magazines. They cared more about the quality of physical facilities, the safety of surroundings and the service quality of caregivers of a nursing institution. Further analysis on the collected data indicated that: The subjects working for banks or insurance companies longed for healthy and family life more than those working for government agencies. The subjects with disposable income higher than 40,000 NT dollars and those working for banks or insurance companies were more enthusiastic in social and community activities in comparison with those with disposable income lower than 20,000 NT dollars and those working for government agencies. The subjects working for government agencies participated in artistic activities more often than those working for manufacturing companies. And, those serving in healthcare industry cared about the completeness and safety of the facilities in a nursing institution more than those serving in government agencies. The subjects between 61 and 65 years old cared about the completeness and safety of the facilities in a nursing institution and the services and leisure activities provided in a nursing institution more than those over 66 years old. The life style, health quality, family life, enthusiasm and gracefulness of the middle- and old-aged had significant, positive influence on the degree of their concern about the facilities and services of a nursing institution.


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