  • 學位論文


The investigation of diabetic relevant factors of aged people in Taiwan

指導教授 : 何清松


台灣由於經濟發展迅速,生活型態、飲食習慣及疾病型態也隨之改變。生活步調快、壓力大、少運動,加上飲食習慣受西方影響及速食文化盛行,代謝疾病因此成為國人健康殺手。國人之十大死因由民國四十一年以感染疾病為主,轉變至今成為以慢性病為主之形態。根據衛生署民國九十六年統計, 糖尿病為十大死因之第四位。 糖尿病是一種慢性代謝異常疾病,與遺傳、年齡、肥胖、飲食及生活習慣等息息相關。年齡越高糖尿病之發生率就相對提高,而台灣漸漸邁入高齡化社會,罹患糖尿病的人數將更為增加。 有鑑於上述原因本研究以「台灣地區老人營養健康狀況調查1999~2000」之資料庫分析65歲以上罹患糖尿病之老年人,其與肥胖、腹部肥胖、高血壓、高密度膽固醇(HDLC)值偏低、高三酸甘油酯(TG)等危險因子及生活飲食型態之關聯性。 分析之因子包括:年齡、性別、婚姻狀況、教育程度、籍貫、家戶收入、肥胖、腹部肥胖、高血壓、高密度膽固醇值偏低、高三酸甘油酯、飲食習慣、抽菸、喝酒、嚼檳榔及運動習慣等。 本研究顯示台灣地區65歲以上老年人,糖尿病盛行率為18.7 %。邏輯回歸結果顯示肥胖、腹部肥胖、高三酸甘油脂、家戶收入及飲食之全脂牛乳皆與糖尿病呈相關性。肥胖者罹患糖尿病之勝算增加1.51倍(OR值1.51,95% CI 1.04~2.18 ),腹部肥胖者罹患糖尿病之勝算增加1.71倍(OR值1.71,95% CI 1.24~2.37),高三酸甘油脂者罹患糖尿病之勝算增加1.92倍(OR值1.92,95% CI 1.17~3.13),家戶收入每月高於50,000元者罹患糖尿病之勝算增加1.71倍(OR值1.71,95% CI 1.04~2.82 ),每月飲用全脂牛乳5次以上者罹患糖尿病之勝算則降低為0.62倍(OR值0.62,95% CI 0.40~0.96 )。


糖尿病 老年人 肥胖


As a result of rapid economic development, lifestyle, eating habits and disease patterns changed in Taiwan. In addition fast pace of life, stress, less exercise, eating habits influenced by western country and the prevalence of fast-food culture, metabolic diseases become a healthy killer of people. The major causes of death changed from infectious diseases in 1952 to chronic diseases now. According to the statistics of Department of Health, Executive Yuan, R.O.C., diabetes was the fourth of the major causes of death in 2007. Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorders, genetic, age, obesity, eating and living habits are closely related. Age is the factor to increase the incidence of diabetes, and because of Taiwan enters into the aging society gradually that is more people suffer from diabetes will be expected. In view of the above reasons, the study used the database of "to investigate the health status and nutrition of the elderly from 1999 to 2000 in Taiwan" and the people over 65 years of age with diabetes in that database were enrolled to the study. The correlation between the risk factors such as obesity, abdominal obesity, hypertension, low level of high-density cholesterol (HDLC), high level of triglyceride (TG) and lifestyle and eating patterns were analyzed. The factors include: age, sex, marital status, education level, native place, household income, obesity, abdominal obesity, hypertension, low level of high-density cholesterol, high level of triglyceride, eating habits, smoking, drinking, betel nut chewing and exercise habits were analyzed. This study showed that in Taiwan area, the prevalence of the people over 65 years of age with diabetes was 18.7%. Logistic regression showed that obesity, abdominal obesity, high level of triglycerides, household income and whole milk consuming were correlated with diabetes. The incidence of diabetes increased to 1.51-fold of normal population (OR 1.51, 95% CI 1.04 ~ 2.18) in obese people, 1.71-fold increased in abdominal obesity (OR 1.71, 95% CI 1.24 ~ 2.37), 1.92-fold increased in high triglycerides (OR 1.92, 95% CI 1.17 ~ 3.13), 1.71-fold increased in monthly household income higher than 50,000 (OR 1.71, 95% CI 1.04 ~ 2.82), but monthly whole milk consuming more than 5 times the incidence of diabetes was reduced to 0.62-fold of normal population (OR value of 0.62,95% CI 0.40 ~ 0.96).


diabetes aging obesity


Abbate, S. L. (2003). Expanded ABCs of diabetes. Clinical Diabetes, 21(3),128-133.
