  • 學位論文


A Related Study Among Cosches’Leadership and Team Cohesion

指導教授 : 陳朝鑑


本研究旨在探討一、高中羽球教練領導行為與團隊凝聚力之相關性;二、比較不同背景變項之高中職羽球選手團隊凝聚力的差異;三、瞭解高中羽球教練領導行為對團隊凝聚力的預測效力。本研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為參加97年全國青少年盃暨國小盃羽球錦標賽之高中男、女選手共320人。主要研究方法採描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、雪費法事後檢定、皮爾遜積差相關、多元逐步迴歸等。獲得以下結果: 一、 高中職羽球選手的教練領導行為以「訓練與指導行為」得分最高,其次依序為「關懷行為」「民主行為」、「獎勵行為」,以「專制行為」的得分最低。 二、不同人口背景變項之選手在團隊凝聚力之所有面向上均達顯著差異。其差異如下:不同性別之選手在團隊凝聚力各構面上,均達顯著;「不同訓練頻率」之選手在「團隊合作」及「團隊適應」構面上,達顯著;不同球齡之選手在「人際吸引」構面上,達顯著;與教練相處時間不同之選手在團隊凝聚力上之「團隊合作」構面上,達顯著;不同運動成就表現之選手在團隊凝聚力中之「團隊合作」、「團隊適應」及「人際吸引」構面上,達顯著。 三、凝聚力現況分析以「團隊合作」之得分3.94最高,其次為「人際吸引」得分 3.45、「團隊適應」得分3.33,而以「人際親和」的得分3.13最低。 另外,研究發現教練領導行為中「訓練與指導行為」的感受程度和團隊凝聚力中的「團隊合作」有正相關,相關係數為.149;「團隊適應」相關係數為.152;「人際吸引」相關係數為.145。


The purpose of this study intended to investigate the relationship among coaches’ leadership and team cohesion, and compare the difference of team cohesion perceived by the badminton players with different background, and according the results to predict how do coaches’ leadership affect team cohesion. Data analyzed in this paper is 320 badminton players from National Youth Cup and the Primary Cup in 2008 of Badminton Championship, and use the questionnaire based on the collected data, through following statistic methods:Descriptive statistics, significance test for means, one-way Analysis of Variance, Pearson Correalation, and stepwise multiple-regression analysis. The results showed: 1.The highest score of leadership behavior perceived by badminton players is “training and direction” in coaches’ leadership behavior, and following in line is “caring”, “democracy” , “reward” and “authority”. 2.The difference of athletes’ background variables in all aspect of team cohesion is signifance. First of all,there are significant difference between sex in all aspect of team cohesion. Secondly, athletes with different “trainning frequency” are significant difference in “team collaboration” and “ team adaptation”. Moreover, athletes with different “number of years engaging in badmiton” are signifcant difference in “interpersonal attraction”. Athletes get along with coaches for divergent time are signifcant difference in “team collaboration”. Finally, athletes with different performance are signifcant difference in “team collaboration”, “team adaptation” and “interpersonal attraction”. 3.Score in “team collaboration” is 3.94,the highest aspect in team cohesion, next is 3.45 in “interpersonal attraction” , and following is 3.33 in “team adaption”. The lowest is 3.13 for “affiliation ”. Besides, there are positive relationship between “training and direction” of coaches’ leadership behavior and “team collaboration”, “team adaptation”, “ interpersonal attraction ” of team cohesion in badminton players, and the person’s r are .149,.152 and .145.


Coaches’Leadership Team cohesion


鄭敏雄、劉一民 (1991)。在教練領導行為與團隊凝聚力之關係研究一以參加7
