  • 學位論文


Using 2005 National Health Interview Survey to analyze the prevalence of children with need and their health problems

指導教授 : 何清松


目的:本研究主要探討我國特殊兒童之盛行率及其健康問題。 方法:研究者以2005年國民健康訪問暨藥物濫用調查(National Health Interview Survey,簡稱NHIS),將12歲以下經全國代表性之加權計算後為3687案之兒童檔案,分析特殊兒童盛行率及其健康問題的探討。 結果:學習障礙盛行率約為1.9%;發展遲緩盛行率約為1.8%;過動症盛行率約為1.6%;感覺統合失調症盛行率約為1.4%;有一種(含)以上的特殊兒盛行率3.5%。性別、低出生體重、早產、母親教育程度和家庭收入與特殊兒童之相關性探討,於統計學上有顯著意義(P<0.05)。12歲以下特殊兒童發生的因素探討邏輯式回歸分析,性別方面,男生為特殊兒童的勝算比(OR)是女生的1.58倍,兩者差異達顯著(P<0.017);早產為特殊兒童的勝算比(OR)是非早產的2.85倍,且兩者達顯著差異(P<0.001)。特殊兒童健康情形以斜視、視網膜疾病和失明之盛行率高於正常兒童,達到統計性顯著水準(P<0.05)。特殊兒童配戴助聽器和過去一年中耳炎之盛行率高於正常兒童,達到統計性顯著水準(P<0.05)。 結論與建議:針對高危險群應宣導早期療育概念,提高兒童發展篩檢率,以利早期療育之安排及介入,達到早期發現、早期治療的目的。


Abstract Objective: To investigate the prevalence rates and health issues of Exceptional Children in Taiwan. Method: Through studying 3687 cases, which are reliability weighted results from the popular samples of children, of 12 and under, in the 2005 Taiwan National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) to analyze the relating prevalence rates and health issues. Results :This study yields the prevalence rates of the following categories: 1.9% learning disability (LD,) 1.8% developmental delayed, 1.6% attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD,) 1.4% sensory integration (SI,) 3.5% with multiple above conditions. Gender, low birth weight, premature, education of mother and family income are significantly associated to exceptional children (P<0.05.). The observed relations of exceptional children with strabismus, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and blindness presents a statistical significance (P<0.05.) According to binary logistic regression, of the exceptional children of 12 and under, in gender perspective, boys’ odd ratio (OR=1.58) is 1.58 times of girls’ and the delta of their statistical significance levels qualifies as “significant” (p<.017,) odd ratio of premature is 2.85 times of non-premature and the delta of statistical significance level (p<.0001) again qualifies as “significant.” Among exceptional children, the prevalence rate of strabismus, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and blindness(P<0.05,)and the prevalence rate of wearing hearing aid and history of tympanitis within past year, are both higher than normal children and statistically reach the level of “significant” (P<0.05.) Conclusion: For earliest identification and offering effective aids, focusing on the high prevalence possibility group of exception children to publicize the knowledge and concept of early intervention is the best mean to achieve the goal.


NHIS exceptional children prevalence health problems


沈秉衡、莊文慧、蔡顯揚 (1996).台中榮總早產兒視網膜病變之篩檢及治療,中華民國眼科醫學會雜誌,35(2),177-183。
