  • 學位論文


A Research on the Travel Motivation, Satisfaction and Service Quality– The Case of Tsou-Ma-Lai Farm

指導教授 : 陳文江 林銘昌


本研究以台南縣走馬瀨農場為研究範圍,以來農場的遊客為研究對象,透過 問卷方式進行調查,共計回收有效問卷306 份。目的在瞭解農場遊客對旅遊動 機、服務品質、滿意度與重遊意願四個項目的關係。研究結果顯示: 1. 旅遊動機部分以「我來走馬瀨農場因農場提供親近農場動植物的機會」最高, 可知遊客大多對農場有興趣才來參觀。 2. 期望的服務品質和感受的服務品質平均數都高,且後者的品質遍高於前者的 品質,表示走馬瀨農場提供比遊客期望還要高的服務品質。 3. 整體滿意度以「走馬瀨農場所提供的各項服務滿足我對休閒農場旅遊的所有 期待」、「走馬瀨農場的整體表現水準非常接近我理想中休閒農場應有的表 現」,表示走馬瀨農場遊玩後,遊客對休閒農場相關資訊有較深的認識,也對 參觀休閒農場有興趣。 4. ANOVA 分析結果顯示遊客的教育程度對動機及遊客的職業對滿意度有差 異;遊客的旅遊動機對服務品質有顯著影響、旅遊動機對遊客的滿意度有顯 著影響、服務品質對觀眾滿意度有負向影響關係。


This research take the Taina County Running Rapids farm as the range of study, since the farm tourist has been the object of study, carries on the investigation by the questionnaire way, total recycles effective questionnaire 306. The goal is understanding the farm tourist to the traveling motive, the service quality, the degree of satisfaction and the revisit wish four project relations. The findings showed:“because 1 traveling motive part comes the Running Rapids farm by me the farm to provide is intimate with the farm zoology and botany the opportunity” high, may know the tourist mostly to have the interest to the farm only then to visit. 2 expectation's service qualities and the feeling service quality mean value is high, and the latter's quality spreads is higher than the former's quality, indicated that the Running Rapids farm provides compared to the tourist expected also wants the high service quality. 3 overall degrees of satisfaction “each service which provides by the Running Rapids farm satisfy me to relaxation camp traveling all anticipations”, “the Running Rapids farm whole performance standard to be close in my ideal the relaxation camp proper performance”, indicated after the Running Rapids farm plays, the tourist has the deep understanding to the relaxation camp related information, also to visits the relaxation camp to have the interest. 4 ANOVA analysis result showed that tourist's education has the difference to the motive and tourist's occupation to the degree of satisfaction; Tourist's traveling motive to serves the quality to have the remarkable influence, the traveling motive to have the remarkable influence, the service quality to tourist's degree of satisfaction to have the negative influence relations to the audience degree of satisfaction.


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