  • 學位論文


Rehabilitation Inpatient Cases' Willingness to Received Rehabilitation Therapy in Long -Term Care Insurance Program

指導教授 : 龍紀萱 葉玲玲


背景與目的:面對國內人口結構日趨老化、醫療資源有限及長照保險即將開辦之際,如何建構符合國人期待並滿足需求之復健治療服務模式,已成為國家與復健相關專業人員的重要課題。故本研究應用健康信念模式初探復健科住院個案於長期照護保險開辦後再接受復健治療服務之意願。 方法:本研究採結構式問卷蒐集中部地區四家醫院之復健科住院失能個案,內容包括個案的個人基本資料、醫療狀況、健康信念模式、以及開辦長照保險後接受復健治療之意願。以面對面訪談收集資料,共回收有效問卷208份,有效回收率為89%。 結果:研究對象平均年齡62歲,以男性、國小學歷、已婚、主要經濟來源為親人、需使用輔具、居住於二樓以上無電梯為主。進一步分析發現,個案出院後選擇在醫院接受復健服務、身份別為一般戶、復健交通路程愈短、行動利益之分數愈高,於長期照護保險開辦後再接受復健治療服務之意願愈高。 結論:整體而言,近九成的個案出院後有再接受復健服務之需求與意願,建議各醫院應就研究對象之特性予以注意,對於有需求之個案提供即時且詳細的資訊,讓未來長照政策之復健服務模式得以更完善。


Background and purpose: In the face of the domestic aging population and medical resources are limited. The proposed long-term care insurance on how to consistently construct people's expectations and meet the needs of the rehabilitation service delivery model has become an important subject for the nation and the rehabilitation profession. In this case-study, the application of the Health Belief Model's of inpatient rehabilitation on long-term care insurance program after receiving rehabilitation services will show whether or not a patient will return for physical therapy care. Methods: This study used a structured questionnaire to collect the four central hospitals inpatient rehabilitation of disability cases, including cases of personal information, medical conditions, the Health Belief Model, and that run after the long term care insurance, is intended to reveal the willingness of patients to accept rehabilitation . The interviews from where the data was collected which contained a total of 208 valid questionnaires had a response rate that was 89%. Results: The mean age was 62 years old for males with an elementary education, who were married, who relied on their families as the main source of income, who needed to use aids, and were living mainly on the second floor or above without the lift. Further analysis after the selection of cases discharged from rehabilitation services in hospitals showed that the generally households whose rehabilitation commuting distance was shorter had higher benefits. Moreover, after receiving a long-term care insurance, patients' willingness to re-enter into rehabilitation services were higher. Conclusion: Overall, Nearly ninety percent of the patients in these case-studies will want and need rehabilitation therapy after discharge. The analysis suggests that every hospital should focus on the characteristics of the case-study and pay attention to patients on an individual basis. For the special needs cases, the hospitals should offer immediate and detailed information to the patients who have a greater need in order to make future rehabilitation of long term care policies more effective upon the service delivery model.


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