  • 學位論文


Analysis of Determinants of Smoking Cessation in Older Male Taiwanese

指導教授 : 蔡仲弘


背景:吸菸是全世界公認影響人類健康的最主要危險因子之一,然而至目前為止,針對中老年者之戒菸行為及其相關因素的長期追蹤研究較少,且尚無法釐清中老年者吸菸狀態的變化及影響戒菸的原因。 目的:運用具全國代表性的縱貫性資料庫,探討台灣中老年男性戒菸的預測因子,以瞭解中老年吸菸者戒菸的有效方法。 方法:本研究分析「台灣地區中老年身心社會生活健康狀況長期追蹤調查研究」之資料庫。以1996年50歲至66歲的抽菸男性673人為研究對象,從基準點 (1996及1999年) 之人口學、生活行為與健康狀況等變項以及其變化,分析各其後三年或四年(1999、2003) 戒菸行為之預測因子。以卡方檢定和邏輯迴歸等進行統計分析。 結果:本研究發現,年齡、日常生活活動功能變差、菸齡少於15年是預測中老年吸菸者是否戒菸的主要影響因子。此外,有日常運動、戒酒、增加住院次數、增加急診次數、新增呼吸系統疾病、受正規教育年數七年以上和婚姻關係有伴侶者亦為預測戒菸的影響因子。 結論:本研究採取長期追蹤資料來探討中老年人戒菸的影響因子,結果顯示身體狀況的變化是中老年男性戒菸的主要原因。此結果可供政府相關單位菸害防制政策擬定之參考。


戒菸 中老年 長期追蹤 預測 影響因子


Background: Smoking is a major risk factor of human health. Smoking cessation at any age can have large health benefit. However, the determinants of smoking cessation in older adults have not been well investigated in Taiwan. Objective: To identify the determinants of smoking cessation in older male Taiwanese. Method: Data used for this analysis were the 1996, 1999 and 2003 database of "Survey of Health and Living Status of the Elderly in Taiwan" (SHLSET). Subjects were male smokers (N=673) aged 50 to 66 years of the 1996 survey. Logistic regression analyses of cross-sectional data were performed to determine the association of socio-demographic, lifestyle and health-related variables with smoking cessation whereas logistic regression analyses of the longitudinal data were used to identify the determinants of smoking cessation. Statistical significance was accepted at alpha = 0.05. . Results: Results showed that age and decline in functional ability or major medical events and years of smoking were the predictors of smoking cessation. Quitting drinking, more hospitalization, increased emergency visits, worsening respiratory disease, more formal education, having a spouse, starting regular exercise also were associated with quitting smoking. Conclusions: Results of the present study indicate that only a major health event such as hospitalization or having a life-threatening disease is likely to cause smoking cessation in older Taiwanese. These findings are useful for the public health planners in designing effective smoking cessation program for older adult male Taiwanese.


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