  • 學位論文


The Study of Gender Role and Demographic Factors’ Influence to the Participation Motivations and Type of Volunteer Services-the Volunteer of Nantou Peace

指導教授 : 曾竹寧


本論文研製目的旨在了解志願服務者之人口變項、性別角色對參與動機與服務類型之選擇有無顯著影響或相關,期提供志願服務運用團隊以及志願服務主管機關在志工人力召募、教育訓練之參考。 研究者針對志願服務參與動機、服務類型、性別角色以及南投縣志願服務現況等議題進行文獻探討後,將南投縣實際參與祥和計畫志志願服務之志工依其主要服務內容,分為八大服務類型,經以分層之集叢抽樣方法隨機選出212志願服務者,施以性別角色量表、參與動機量表調查後,再以單因子變異數分析以及卡方檢定等統計資料分析分法進行分析。 研究結果發現:不同性別角色特質之志願服務者其整體參與動機有顯著差異;不同人口變項之志願服務者其整體參與動機並無顯著不同,僅年齡、教育程度與月收入等變項在部份分項動機上有差異;其次,志願服務者之服務類型選擇,與參與動機、性別角色皆無顯著相關,而人口變項中的性別、年齡、教育程度、工作情形與月收入等皆與服務類型之選擇有顯著相關。此外,本研究另有以下發現: 一、南投縣祥和計畫志工之特質與過往之研究和全國資料相契合,如教育程度以高中職者居多、婚姻狀況以已婚有偶者為主、在職業與收入上多為無收入之家管。 二、「性別角色」較「性別」更能解釋志願服務者選擇非屬於其「性別」之服務類型,如男性選擇「諮商輔導服務」類型、女性選擇「醫療與救難服務」類型。 三、投身志願服務者其性別角色偏向非傳統性別角色,即「男性化」或「女性化」比例偏低,而以「兩性化」或「未分化」居多。 四、南投縣之志願服務者之參與動機以「社交取向」最高,亦即「提升人際互動」是志工參與的重大誘因。 五、女性或高齡之志願服務者在選擇志願服務類型時會受到親友之影響以及注重交通之便利性。


The purpose of this study is to aware that whether demographic variables and gender role reveal manifest relevant effect of selection on participation motivations and types of volunteer work, and to provide volunteering teams and volunteering authorities the references with volunteering recruitment and educational training. After the researcher investigated the issues of documentary literatures into participation motivations, types of volunteer services, gender role as well as the states of volunteering service in Nantou County, the actual volunteers of ‘The Peaceful Society’ (the volunteer program by Government) are divided into eight categories by their volunteering services. Via the surveys among 212 samples in quantitative estimation of gender role and participation motivations, which are analyzed by unit variations and chi-square test。 The discoveries of the conclusion are that volunteers with different gender role show greatly variations in participation motivations, and that volunteers with different demographic variables show few variations in participation motivations, but they with different age, education background, and monthly income show a few variations. Next, the selection of types of volunteer services is not remarkably related to participation motivations and gender role, while being remarkably related to sex, education background, job, and monthly income. Moreover, the research has further discovered as below. 1、The volunteer characters in Nantou “The Peaceful Society” correspond with Previous research and national data. For example, the majority volunteer’s characters include high school diploma, married or no income. 2、While volunteer choosing services type, the gender role has more effect to them than the sex. For example, one male decides to be a “Guidance and Counseling Service” volunteer is not for his sex, but for his identified of “gender role”, same a female who became a volunteer of “Medical Aid Services”. 3、Most volunteer’s identify of “gender role” are untypical. The major identify tended to “androgynous” or “undifferentiated”. 4、The major reason make people joining volunteer services is “making friends”. 5、For female or elderly, they will consider traffic and the advices from their relatives.




