  • 學位論文


The Research of the Cognitions and Attitudes for Coastal Recreational Safety

指導教授 : 羅鳳恩


我國隨著經濟脈動的成長與生活品質的提昇,使得社會大眾對於休閒運動的觀念日益普及,海域休閒運動便蓬勃的發展。但因從事海域休閒運動所造成之不幸事件也日益增多,因此也可知海域休閒運動安全也越來越重要。本研究旨在瞭解遊客對海域遊憩活動安全認知及態度之現況,本研究採問卷調查法,以便利隨機抽樣方式進行,本研究問卷針對從事海域遊憩活動遊客部分發出500份,回收478份,回收率95.6﹪,有效問卷465份,將回收的樣本資料經統計分析後,其研究結論如下: 一、受訪者對海域遊憩活動安全觀念認知程度略顯不足。 受訪者在海域遊憩活動安全認知方面,作答全部正確或只錯一、二題者,已佔受訪者的45.1%。整體而言,受訪者的海域遊憩活動安全觀念認知程度略顯不足。 二、受訪者對海域遊憩區事故認知程度不足。 受訪者對各地區最常發生事故海域遊憩區認知方面,作答全部正確或只錯一題者,僅佔受訪者的13.5%。整體而言,受訪者的海域遊憩區事故認知程度不足。 三、受訪者對海域遊憩區事故原因認知程度不足 受訪者對各地區海域遊憩區發生事故之原因認知方面,作答全部正確或只錯一、二題者,僅佔受訪者的20.9%。整體而言,受訪者的海域遊憩區造成事故原因認知程度不足。 四、受訪者對海域遊憩活動安全態度 (一)受訪者在個人認為應有的預防措施方面,「戲水時,我會結伴同行,避免獨自出遊」之態度較佳,「有專人看管、救生員與安全標誌的遊憩區是安全的」之態度較差。 (二)受訪者在安全環境方面,「海域遊憩區應有專業的救生員監控安全」之態度較佳,「我擅長游泳任何天氣都可安全戲水」之態度較差。 (三)受訪者在相關業者應做事項方面,「兼顧遊憩活動與安全,進行遊憩規則與安全宣導。」之態度較佳,「為節省經費,浮潛指導員可帶超過十名以上遊客」之態度較差。 (四)受訪者在海域遊憩安全應做的管理方面,「我贊成以法規來約束海域遊憩業者,注意遊客安全。」之態度較佳,「立法規定禁止在不安全海邊從事露營、烤肉。」之態度較差。 (五)受訪者在從事海域遊憩應有態度方面,「從事海域遊憩活動時,安全是我優先考慮的條件。」之態度較佳,「如果有人溺水時,我會馬上跳下水施救。」之態度較差。 五、受訪者游泳能力越佳,「如果有人溺水時,我會馬上跳下水施救」的意願越高。受訪者會游泳救人能力越佳,「如果有人溺水時,我會馬上跳下水施救」的意願越高。 六、受訪者性別、年齡及教育程度會影響其對從事海域遊憩時應有的安全環境總態度。 依據研究結論,建議教育單位加強學校課程,讓民眾從小建立正確的海域遊憩活動安全認知與態度;政府機關與相關業者應主動提供海域遊憩活動安全教育宣導,使民眾可隨時查詢相關資料,以減少意外事故之再度發生。


With the increasing of economics and quality of life in Taiwan, people have good perceptions to participate leisure sports. Because more costal recreational activities become popular, more costal recreational accidents are increasing. Therefore, costal recreational safety is more important. The objective of this research was to study the cognitions and attitudes for coastal recreational safety. Five hundred people from central Taiwan by random sampling method were selected in this cross-sectional, descriptive study by using a structured questionnaire. Four hundred and twenty-four valid data were used to analyze as the results, the valid corresponding rate was 84.8%. The surveys were conducted during the period of March 21 to April 14 2011. The results of this study were the followings: 1. The respondents had not good cognitions of coastal recreational safety; the correct responding rate to answer one or two out of 14 questions was 45.1 %. 2. T The respondents had less knowledge on ocean with most drowning accidents happened in Taiwan; the correct responding rate to answer zero or one out of three questions was 13.5 %. 3. The respondents had less knowledge on the reasons for ocean with most drowning accidents happened in Taiwan; the correct responding rate to answer zero, one or two out of three questions was 20.9 %. 4. The respondents’ attitudes of coastal recreational safety (1) Accompanying with someone while they joined costal recreational was the respondents’ selected as the best prevention strategy. Costal recreational areas with lifeguard and safety a sign was the respondents’ selected as the worst prevention strategy. (2) Costal recreational areas with a professional lifeguard were the respondents’ selected as the best safety environment. Because of money saving, a diving professional coaching more than 10 tourists was the respondents’ selected as the worst safety environment. (3) Accompanying with recreational activities and safety, to promote recreational safety rules and regulations was the respondents’ selected as the best attitude of related costal recreational manufactures. Because of money saving, a diving professional coaching more than 10 tourists was the respondents’ selected as the worst attitude of related costal recreational manufactures. (4) For the tours safety, to agree with laws to regulate related costal recreational manufactures was the respondents’ selected as the best attitude of related costal recreational Governments. To make laws to regulate not to encamp or to barbecue at unsafe costal areas was the respondents’ selected as the worst attitude of related costal recreational Governments. (5) To be safe while to attain recreational activities was the respondents’ selected as the best attitude of costal tourists. To jump to water to save the drowning person was the respondents’ selected as the worst attitude of costal tourists. 5. The better of respondents’ swimming abilities were the more intentions jump to water to save the drowning person. The better of respondents’ swimming and rescuing abilities were the more intentions jump to water to save the drowning person. 6. The respondents’ gender, age, and education influenced their attitudes of coastal recreational safety. Based on the results of this research, the education authorities should give students more correct attitudes of coastal recreational safety from elementary schools. And related costal recreational governments should promote more knowledge of coastal recreational safety to decrease accidents happened again.


巫昌陽、高俊雄(2009)。學生海域運動風險管理。學校體育,19 (112),第3號,18。


