  • 學位論文


A Mobile of Drug Safety Health Educational Information System with HL7 Electronic Medical Records Using RIAs Technologies

指導教授 : 陳偉


衛生教育是治療成功的重大因素之一,但是醫療知識有其專業性,一般民眾很難一窺全貌。尤其在用藥安全上,病患出院後憑藉著出院衛教之記憶與藥袋之指示用藥,很容易疏忽或遺漏,醫療人員也不易追蹤病患目前用藥情況。因此,用藥衛教需以病患為導向,期以於患者用藥時能給予患者、家屬或看護適時的提醒。 本研究建置一套以智慧型手機為資訊提供平台,結合RIAs的多媒體互動介面和智慧手機可攜帶的便利性,適時提供病患多媒體的衛教單張內容,並以HL7作為訊息交換的標準,依據行政院衛生署『97及98年度電子病歷推動案』之衛教及出院護理指導單為病歷範本,導入用藥衛教並分析其資訊架構進行系統開發。如此,可與醫院HIS系統整合作資料交換服務,進而達到與個人的電子病歷結合。在不侷限於時間與地域之影響下,延伸衛教服務至個人,以提升醫療品質,享受個人化之醫療服務,促進用藥安全。


用藥衛教 智慧型手機 RIAs 衛教單張 HL7


Health education is a major factor in successful treatment. Medical knowledge not only has its professionalism but also the general public can not understanding it at once. In drug safety area, when the patient was discharged with drug health educations and medicine bag instructions, they are very easy circumstances of negligence or omission of medication. During this time, the hospital is not easy to track patient’s latest drug-use information. Therefore, patient or his nurse needs the drugs health education and provides timely reminders. In this study, we develop a drug safety health educational information system in the mobile platform which combined with interactive multimedia of RIAs and portable convenience of smart phones. The mobile system can be timely provision of health educational handout whit multimedia content, and the exchange of HL7 messages as Standards. According to Department of Health 『electronic medical records promoting project in 97&98』 Discharge summarization note template to analyze the information architecture and develop the mobile systems. So, the mobile system can integrate with HIS, data exchange services and achieve personal electronic medical records. Patient can be used the mobile systems at any time and in any where. Extending health education services to individuals, to improve the quality of healthcare, enjoy the personal medical services and promote drug safety.


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