  • 學位論文


Exploring Corporate Management and Corporate Social Responsibility under the Concept of “Environmental Protection of the Mind” -- Case Studies on Fellow Members of DDM Dharma Practice Society

指導教授 : 陳定銘博士


聖嚴法師以其宗教家的胸懷、思想家的宏觀,認為許多人因著重物質生活品質的提昇,而忽視了精神生活的品質,若欲改善地球環境,減少人類的破壞,必須從根本的觀念改變做起。人的價值觀如果不能從個人的擴大為全體的,從眼前的延展到永遠的,環保是無法真正做得好。故於20多年前提出「心靈環保」的主張,並帶領法鼓山於國內外全力推動這項運動,努力朝向「提昇人的品質、建設人間淨土」的目標邁進。聖嚴法師創辦法鼓山,致力於「人間佛教」,宣揚以「心靈環保」為核心價值,以「心五四」為方法,以「心六倫」為規範、達到四種環保(心靈環保、禮儀環保、生活環保、自然環保)境界。 法鼓山法行會是法鼓山護法總會的次團體,匯集各領域社會菁英的法行會,在團隊的努力下,「法鼓山智庫」的美喻不脛而走。雖然聖嚴法師已捨報七年,但法行會在全體會員持續努力下,朝著「護法揚善、共修力行」的目標邁進,以「心靈環保」為核心價值,推動法鼓山「提昇人的品質,建設人間淨土」的理念。法行會的會員,大部分都是參加過禪修營的成員,他們藉由對禪修的理解與練習,以「心靈環保」為核心價值,對個人心態的改變,乃至個人領導能力、EQ、意志力的提昇。進而對其企業組織管理的提昇,更影響其企業倫理,對內改善勞資關係、對外善盡企業社會責任。本研究探討法鼓山法行會會員,經由參加禪修營,練習禪修方法,並以「心靈環保」為核心理念,對其身心的影響,以及對其職場上組織管理與企業倫理的改變。本文從「心靈環保」探討企業經營與企業社會責任--以法鼓山法行會會員為例,期能使法行會更能發揮其社會影響力,成為法鼓山和社會全面向上提昇的公器。


Master Sheng Yen was a religious leader with great wisdom and vision. He saw how ordinary people had tended to focus on improving material comforts in life but overlooked the importance of self-growth from within. These days many have realized that, through endless consumption of natural resources and production of wastes, human have done great damage on mother nature. To repair this and to protect the natural environment for future generations and other species on earth, we must first be willing to examine and modify our fundamental values. It is to the benefit of all if we value more on the wellbeing of the whole than on individual gains; more on the long run impact than on immediate success. Only so, a better world for all can be possibly attained. Master Sheng Yen founded Dharma Drum Mountain (DDM) in 1989 only to dedicate it to the practice and promotion of “Humanistic Buddhism”, emphasis of which is placed on the practice of a Bodhisattva path in this present world. He later initiated the concept of “Spiritual Environmentalism” in 1992, which has since become the core concept of DDM in moving forward with its vision of “Uplifting the Character of Humanity and Building a Pure Land on Earth”. The term “Spiritual Environmentalism” was created by Master Sheng Yen based on the essence of Vimalakirti Sutra and Chan teachings for ease of comprehension by modern people. It is the core among “The Four Kinds of Environmentalism” advocated by him, namely: Spiritual Environmentalism, Natural Environmentalism, Living Environmentalism, and Social Environmentalism. Master Sheng Yen further formulated complete methodologies that are easy to understand and practical to implement as guides for applying the concept of “Spiritual Environmentalism” in daily life. The so named “The Five Fourfold Practices of the Mind” and “The Six Ethics of the Mind” had been clearly defined and thoroughly expounded by Master Sheng Yen throughout the years before he passed away in 2009. DDM Dharma Practice Society (DDMDPS) is one of several sub-organizations of DDM. The sole qualification required to join DDMDPS membership is the completion of DDM’s 3-day Social Elites Meditation Retreat (renamed as Self-Transcendence Chan Meditation Retreat in 2009). Therefore, members of DDMDPS consist of elites from all professional fields. Individually or collectively they are in the position to bring about greater impact onto society. DDMDPS’s mission is to help spread the benefits of practicing Dharma, and to advance DDM’s vision of “Uplifting the Character of Humanity and Building a Pure Land on Earth”. Entering the 18th year since its founding in 1999, members of DDMDPS have gradually matured in their pursuit of a Buddhist faith and in their devotion to the Bodhisattva path. They have deepened their comprehension of Dharma as well as experience in Chan meditation through consistent involvement in DDM Dharma teachings and activities. New members continue to join in, DDMDPS’s commitment to carry out its mission is ever stronger and greater in scope, in remembrance of Master Sheng Yen’s great teachings. By practicing Chan meditation routinely and implementing the concept of “Spiritual Environmentalism” at work, many members of DDMDPS find improvement in their interaction with people, leadership, and decision making. Such practices in turn help enhance corporate management, business ethics, employee relations, corporate social responsibility, etc. within their organizations. This paper explores the effects of practicing Chan meditation on body and mind of selected DDMDPS members, as well as the changes they have experienced by applying the concept of “Spiritual Environmentalism” to work. This paper focuses on the impact of “Spiritual Environmentalism” on corporate management and corporate social responsibility. Taking DDMDPS members as study samples, this paper attempts to seek evidences to conclude that practicing “Spiritual Environmentalism” is beneficial to self-growth as well as to corporate management; and that DDMDPS members can set good role models for incorporating “Spiritual Environmentalism” into company practice to bring greater and better impact on uplifting our society.


