  • 期刊


Assessment in the Antioxidative Activity of Bioencapsulated Monascus Purpureus



運用微膠囊化技術具有降低蕊物質和外界環境的反應性、減緩或控制蕊物質釋放等優點。本研究以微膠囊化技術應用於生物發酵,以共凝聚方式將紅麴菌包覆製成微晶球,探討其生產抗氧化保健物質的效果。實驗發現紫紅麴菌(Monascus purpureus CCRC 31615)於米飯上的發酵產物具抗氧化活性,其清除自由基的效果隨發酵萃取液濃度增加而增加。在培養五天內,抗氧化效果隨培養天數增加而增加。由製備所得生物膠囊化紅麴之粒徑為819±126μm、包覆菌量為8 log孢子數/克、水份含量為90.89%。生物膠囊化紅麴能有效維持紫紅麴菌於貯存中安定,並能以液相培養基重新增殖。生物膠囊化紅麴可在發酵時限制孢子的釋出,而能釋放抗氧化物質至膠囊外,此結果顯示生物膠囊化紅麴具有菌種保存與類似生物反應器功能。


Use of microencapsulation reduced the reactivity of core materials to the environment. Microcapsules also have the advantage for control-releasing behavior. A microencapsulation procedure was developed to encapsulated Monascus spores using an coacervation method. This paper that reported a study of the tree radical scavenging ability was investigated to improve the efficiency of bio-encapsulated M. purpureus CCRC 31615 during fermentation. The results showed that the metabolite of Monascus purpureus CCRC 31615 grown on the rice could scavenge the free radical during fennentation. The antioxidative activity of M purpureus CCRC 31615 was increased with the concentration of fermented extract and incubation time. The bio-capsule containing about 8 log spore/g had a diameter of 819±126μm and a water content of 90.89%. The M. purpureus in bio-capsule would keep storage stability and would activated again when incubated with PDB broth at 37°C. The bio-encapsulated M purpureus CCRC 31615 spores were entraped in the capsule and released antioxidative materials to the outer broth after fementation. These results suggested that bio-encapsulated Monascus have a bioreactor- like function.
