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Using Traditional Chinese Medicine Cycle Therapy to Have Fertility Success: A Case Report




This 34-year-old married woman had an obstetric history of blighted ovum five years ago. After that, she maintained a normal sexual life without contraception but had not been pregnant for five years. Therefore, she sought treatment at our traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) outpatient department (OPD). Her TCM patterns were the combination of Liver Yin and Blood deficiency, Kidney Qi and Yang deficiency, and Blood stasis. TCM cycle therapy was used as the main treatment method, moreover, according to the principle of TCM cycle therapy, herbal medicines to nourish yin and blood during the follicular phase, and that to tonify yang and qi during the luteal phase were prescribed. During the treatment, the patient was asked to measure basal body temperature, in order to determine the phase the patient was in, and to evaluate the efficacy of the treatment. After two months' TCM herbal medicine, the patient conceived naturally. Two years later, when this patient was 36 years old, she went to our TCM OPD again after a failure of being pregnancy by regular sexual life for ten months. After taking herbal medicine with similar principles as mentioned above for three months, she conceived naturally again. Both of her pregnancies ended in the delivery of a healthy full-term baby.


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