  • 期刊


The Evaluation of Validity and Reliability for the Chinese Version of Checklist Individual Strength Questionnaire


工作時感到疲勞幾乎是所有工作者曾有過的經驗。然而嚴重的疲倦感可能會影響勞工的工作表現甚至減低產能,甚至增加工作意外與危險。已開發國家對於工作場所的工作壓力一直十階重視,而疲勞常是榮工感受到心理壓力的最初症狀,本研究獎歐洲對工作者評估其疲勞度的一份問卷(簡稱CIS),翻譯成中文,並將此份問卷在家庭醫學科門診中讓就診病人填寫,做中文版的效度及信度的分析評估。此份問卷分為四個向度,包括主觀的疲勞經驗(8題),工作動機(4題),活體力(3題),注意力(5題)。問卷上註明希望填寫者能將過去兩週內對問題陳述的感覺,以程度來表達,從極同意到極不同意之間共分成七個程度。將其填寫的問卷分數予以加總,越高的分數代表疲勞度越高。本研究於89年10月至12月,在南部某一區域醫院家庭醫學科門診收集了147位就珍病人所填寫的問卷,並排除可能影響病勞度之疾病及精神疾病的病患。問卷資料及病患基本資料利用SPSS 8.0中文版進行分析,以獨立樣本t檢定,相關係數分析及複回歸分析來找出此份問卷對疲勞的關係。並且以Cronbach’s α值來求得本中文化問卷的內在信度,並將這20題作因素分析。最後得到有效問卷有128份,其中主訴為疲勞的病患有44位,非疲勞的病患有84位。將其填寫的問卷分數予以加總,越高的分數代表疲勞度越高。以獨立樣本t檢定來分析疲勞及非疲勞組其問卷的總分是否有差異,結果顯示p值為0.0001。經由相關係數分析結果則呈現問卷與疲勞度具顯著相關性,以複回歸分析調整年齡及性別等因素的影響後,仍呈現顯著差異。本問卷的信度Cronbach’s α值為0.88,各個向度的α值介於0.52到0.84之間,屬於可接受的範圍。此份問卷分數對於疲勞及非疲勞組可以明顯地區別,因此本問卷中文版的信度及效度評估應是良好的。將來對於本土職場中工作者疲勞度評估應可作一有效且量化的應用,對於找出可能的潛在工作壓力應有助益。




Fatigue is a common experience for workers at working place. It will influence the work performance and may result in lower productivity. Furthermore, fatigue may cause the workplace accidents. Fatigue was usually the first expression when workers felt stressful. Working stress has been emphasized in most developed countries. Therefore, we translated a questionnaire, checklist individual strength (CTS) questionnaire, from English for fatique evaluation among local working people. The aim of this study is to evaluate the validity and reliability of this Chinese version questionnaire. The CIS questionnaire has four dimensions including subjective fatigue (8 items), working motivation (5 items), activity (4 items), and attention (3 items). There are seven incremental degreed of the agreement correspond to any single question. In the period of October 1 to December 31 in 2000, this Chinese version questionnaire was used to evaluate the outpatients in our department of family medicine. Fatigue and non-fatigue were defined as the chief complaint by those patients without major psychiatric disorders and physical diseases. Finally, 147 questionnaires were collected for analysis. After excluding the missing data, 128 patients were included in the study. There are 44 patients in the fatigue group, and 84 in the non-fatigue group. We used t-test to compare the scores between these two groups. Which revealed the scores of the questionnaires were significantly different (p=0.0001). The difference was still meaningful after adjusting the effects of age and gender. Moreover, the reliability of the CIS Chinese version by using Cronbach’s method, as shown by αvalue was 0.88. The Cronbach’s α values for four dimensions of the questionnaire ranged from 0.52 to 0.84. The Chinese CIS questionnaire can significantly differentiate fatigue patients from those not. Our study showed that the validity and reliability of this Chinese CIS questionnaire were acceptable. We believe that the CIS questionnaire may quantitatively apply in the working place to evaluate the fatigue and the potential working stress in Taiwan.


