  • 期刊


The Satisfaction of Medical Services on Hospital among Patients with Chronic Illness


由於病患對醫療服務的滿意程度是醫療品質的一個重要指標,因此,要提升對慢性病患者的醫療服務品質,瞭解病患就醫滿意度也就是重要的關鍵。故本研究的主要目的是從病患的觀點,經由瞭解病患接受醫療照顧的主觀經驗描述,來瞭解慢性病患者對醫療服務的滿意程度。 本研究取樣的原則,是從三種不同層級的醫療機構中,以前往內科和家庭豐學科看診考,其主訴為糖連病、高血壓和高血脂等三類慢性病之患者為本,採立意取樣的方式,結果共取得469個研究樣本。從臺攘究的結果有幾個重要的發現,首先是受訪的病患基本上對相關醫療的評價大多是屬於正面的。其次,造成病患滿意程度的差異,不是由不同的醫學專科所造成的,而是來自於對同層級的醫療院所的慢性病患者。此外,對於不同醫療項目呈現不同的滿意程度,其中以對醫師專業和態度之評量,顯示了相當高之滿意程度,其次為對相關之醫療服務人員與醫療過程之滿意度,而滿意度最低的則是待診和掛號領藥時所需的時間。 因此本研究建議應簡化相關醫療程序與降低門診患者人數,以及加強相關醫療人員的再教育,如果能夠大幅降低門診病患的數目,其影響所及不僅能減少病患待診的時間,在整個醫療的流程,包括相關的檢驗、繳費、領藥等的程序與等待的時間上,都會有很殉改善,甚至對醫療工作人員的工作負荷,都可顯著降低。如果能夠由此著手,便能有效改善醫療服務的品質,才可能提升病患對醫療服務的滿意程度。




Patient satisfaction is an important indicator of medical quality. In order to improve the quality of medical service for patients with chronic illness, it is essential to understand their medical needs and how much satisfactory they are after they have received the medical service provided. The purpose of this study is to examine the quality of medical service for chronic illness provided by various medical institutions and the patients’ expectation toward the provided medical care from their own experience when treated at these medical institutions. This study employed purposive sampling methods sampling the outpatients who had visited the physicians either at the family medicine or the internal medicine departments in three different levels of medical institutions, i.e., medical center, regional hospital and community clinic. To collect data, face-to-face interview was used in this study. The content of questionnaire included demographic information of respondents, personal medical history, and patient’s satisfaction. Both the open-ended and close-ended questions were included in the questionnaire. The results revealed that most of the patients gave pretty positive rating to medical service they had received. It was the level of medical institution that differentiated the patient’s satisfaction rather than the specialty the physician belonged. The most dissatisfaction item to those medical center and regional was the time of lengthy waiting, and for community clinic was lack of the necessary medical equipment. In summary, if the number of outpatients could be greatly reduced, the time of lengthy waiting will be shortened, the procedures of medical service involved which includes the medical examination, the payments for the treatment and the waiting at the in-house pharmacy, will be improved; and the loading of medical workers will be reduced. The study suggested that if these matters could be better addressed, the quality of the medical service would be improved, which in-turn would result in higher level of patients satisfaction toward the medical service.


