  • 期刊


The Construct of the Explanatory Style Inventory


本研究參酌「習得無助的修訂模式」(Abramson, Seligman, & Teasdale, 1978)之架構,並實地訪談中學生,收集中學生在生活中常發生的事件及其可能的解釋,以為編擬題目時的依據,透過量表編製程序編製「中學生解釋風格量表」,並以多種途徑建立量表的信度、效度資料。所得資料經皮爾遜積差相關法、因素分析等統計方法處理。研究結果摘要如下: 1.中學生解釋風格量表具有良好的穩定性,量尺的隔雙週重測信度介於.52~.67;然其內部一致性仍未臻理想,量尺的Cronbach α係數介於.16~.62。 2.中學生解釋風格量表和不同型式量表的同時關速效度,「正向事件個人性解釋風格量尺」、「負向直件個人性解釋風格量尺」、「正向事件通則性解釋風格量尺」、「負向事件通則性解釋風格量尺」等四個基本量尺介於0~.36,「正向事件解釋風格量尺」、「負向事件解釋風格量尺」、「解釋風格量尺」等三個組合量尺介於.08~.31。在因素考驗中,「正向事件解釋風格量尺」及「負向事件解釋風格量尺」各可得二因素,分別可解釋16.11%、14.96%的量尺變異量,符合量尺所依據的理論結構。 3.中學生解釋風格量表和以CAVE技術進行的評量之間的相關係數介於-.12~.06。另外,四個基本量尺之間的相關介於-.07~.13。 4.中學生的解釋風格和同時及未來的憂鬱傾向之間有顯著相關,符合量尺所依據的理論結構。


中學生 量表編製 解釋風格 憂鬱


The purpose of this study was to construct an instrument, the Explanatory Style Inventory –ESI. ESI was expected to use in evaluating high school student’s explanatory style. The literature was reviewed to initial the schema of evaluation, and the standardized procedure of instrument developing was used to construct ESI. 3,852 subjects completed the ESI. All quantitative data was analysis by SPSS, the statistical analysis result supported the validity and reliability of ESI. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. the ESI has good test-retest reliability and preservative internal consistency. 2. The concurrent validity between different types of the ESI was modest and its construct validity was good. 3. The concurrent validity between the CAVE rating and the scores from the ESI was not good. The correlations between the four scales of the ESI range from -.07 to -.13. 4. The correlations between high school student’s explanatory style and their concurrent and future depression tendency were salient. Many suggestions was prompted according to the results and it’s discussions.


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張美欣(2011)。北部某醫學大學學生生活壓力、憂鬱及人格特質與網路非計劃性 購物相關性研究〔碩士論文,臺北醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6831/TMU.2011.00166
