  • 期刊


The Application and Effectiveness of Support Strategies on Supported Employment


本研究以自然探究法探討支持性就業服務方式輔導之六名智能障礙者在就業中的支持需求與獲得的支持策略特性及執行成效。 六名智障者的支持需求,和工作相關的有工作流程、工作轉換、工作速度、耐力、時間管理、獨立性、工作環境辨識、職務再設計、工作應變性與專注性;和生活相關的是交通,及財務、休閒、居家自理及身體健康方面。獲得的支持策略分成九種:口語提示與指導、動作示範、調整工作與生活因素、提供視覺線索、就服員或他人陪同/代勞、尋求自然支持者、行為演練、後果處理-口頭讚美、申誡及提供輔具或良好典範。 支持策略成效情形,工作方面以口語提示與指導、提供視覺線索及調整工作因素較具成效;生活方面,尋求自然支持者、就服員或他人陪同/代勞方式較能協助個案。執行時的困難來源有雇主、個案、案家及職場環境。


This study examined the support needs and support strategies of six persons with mental retardation served by the supportive employment. The naturalistic inquiry was used to explore their employment-related needs, the support strategies adopted, the natures of support strategies (i.e. support functions, support resources, intensity of supports) and their effectiveness. Nine support strategies was identified for six participants, including: verbal cues and instruction, demonstrations, task resign and daily living related situational inducement, visual cues, employment specialists completed the unfinished workout accompany by employment specialists and significant others, searching for natural supports, behavior rehearsal, positive reinforcement and verbal reprimand, applying assistive technology and providing models. The task related support functions of support strategies for six participants mainly included job accommodation, vocational skills improvement and readiness before work. The daily living related support functions were health support, financial support and leisure support. Three support resources were identified as follows: family members, workplace personnel (i.e. employers, and coworkers), employment specialists. With respect to the effectiveness of the support strategies, the findings indicated that the verbal cues and instruction, modify task and daily living related situational inducement, visual cues were very helpful for six participants. The issues encountered by the employment specialists on providing support strategies regarding employers, the persons with mental retardation, family and from workplace, were also discussed in detailed in this study. Finally several suggestions were also proposed in this study.


