  • 期刊


A Study of Quality of Family Life for Students in Home-Based Special Education Programs


本研究旨在透過在家教育學生家長及在家教育巡迴輔導教師,以瞭解在家教育學生家庭生活素質狀況,以及不同背景變項與各層面家庭生活素質差異之量與質的研究。量的研究方面是以家庭生活素質狀況為主的調查研究,以研究者自編之「臺灣地區在家教育學生家庭生活素質調查表」,問卷調查307位在家教育學生家長。質的研究方面則是以22位在家教育巡迴輔導教師為訪談對象,蒐集在家教育學生家庭生活相關的資料。 調查主要問項為(一)在家教育學生基本資料,包含學生個人、主要照顧者、家庭基本資料;(二)在家教育學生家庭生活素質,包含學生本身、家人、社會三大向度、及生理狀況與能力、獨立性、心理感受、家人關係、親友關係、社區關係與社會支援七個層面,共十八題項。深度訪談指引也以此三大向度七個層面為訪談依據。問卷調查所獲資料以人數、百分比、獨立樣本t考驗及單因子變異數分析等統計方法加以處理分析。深度訪談所獲資料採用校正分析歸納法及恒常比較分析,將所有資料加以統整分析,最後歸納出訪談的發現。 研究結果顯示,在家教育學生家庭生活素質現況最符合的前三項為(一)教學內容,(二)家人陪伴,(三)社會福利/特教資源;最不符合的前三項為(一)同齡小孩互動,(二)社區關懷協助,(三)自己進食。而在家教育學生家庭生活素質現況最滿意的前三項亦為(一)教學內容,(二)家人陪伴,(三)社會福利/特教資源;最不滿意的前三項則為(一)參與社區活動,(二)同齡小孩互動,(三)社區關懷協助。 最後,研究者根據對在家教育學生家庭生活素質現況,以及不同家庭生活素質層面之結果,提出具體建議,以供未來在家教育、醫療復健、相關服務、及社會福利政策等方面之參考,並提出對未來研究之建議。


The purposes of this study were (1) to develop the quality of family life questionnaire through reliability and validity tests, (2) to understand the current quality of family life outcomes of students in home-based programs, (3) to determine the latent constructs related to quality of family life outcomes of students in home-based programs in Taiwan. Quantitative and qualitative research methods were used to study families whose severely/profoundly or multiply disabled children were in the home-based programs. Data were gathered through questionnaires and interviews. A total of 307 parents and 22 home-based itinerant teachers were participated in the study. Family in the context of quality of life were examined using a theoretical family systems model. Descriptive themes and issues emerged from the data that leaded to a greater understanding of what families faced when their severely/profoundly disabled children were in the home-based programs. The data helped families and professionals work in partnership to improve the quality of life for children with severe/profound disabilities. The themes and issues were discussed and implications for future services and research were presented.


