

旋轉機械在產業中為主要的動力來源,其操作狀態影響生產成本及安全性很大。在本次研究中,我們設計了一套資料攫取系統。其以機械之振動信號,加以數位化後,利用頻譜分析作為狀態的監視及判斷。 系統硬體建立在一片個人電腦的介面卡上。其放大係數,濾波係數及觸發參數均可經由軟體控制。配合一個交談式圖形化的程式,系統功能,猶如一部數位示波器,能適用於各種不同機械的振動信號監視及模型建立。加上頻譜分析及控制的軟體後,就是一個即時式的狀態監視系統。 在實際操作上,本系統能很迅速和正確地分析出機械的狀態並做適當的提示或警告。應用在機械維護及品管上,相信能有效地提高產業界的生產力。


Rotory machine is one main power source used in the industry. The operating conditions of a machine have performed effects on cost and safety of the production [1,2,3]. In this investigation, we designed a data acquisition system which can pick up the vibrations or the force signals from rotory machine conveniently and covert these signals to digital forms. A frequency spectrum analysis software package is used to transfer these converted data into another representation and can give the information of the conditions of machines. This system was built on an interface card in a personal computer IBM PC. Gains, filter coefficients and triggering parameters can be controlled by software. This monitoring system offered by an interactive graphic functions somewhat as a digital oscilloscope. It is very flexible and useful for modeling and monitoring the rotory machines. In the actual experiments, this system can analyze the conditions of the machine rapidly and correctly by given a proper indicatioon or warning. Its widely applications in the maintenance and quality control will increase the productivities of the industry.

