  • 期刊


Physiological Study of Glomus and Glgaspora Spore Germinating on Millipore Surface


濾膜表面發芽法為將囊叢枝菌根菌孢子挑於濾膜上培養發芽,而能直接讀取發芽率、最長菌絲長度、菌絲分支數等發芽指標,來瞭解發芽情況。利用固相的表面發芽法可測知本地繁殖的大孢子屬Gigaspora gigantea (Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerd. & Trappe孢子在室溫貯藏四個月後即可完全打破休眠;異黃酮類化合物Biochanin A在促進Glomus mosseae (Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerd. & Trappe孢子發芽上遠較黃酮類化合物quercetin有效;且囊叢枝菌根菌孢子可於有機的無土介質上順利發芽。應用液相的表面發芽法則可測知Gigaspora gigantea孢子的最適發芽pH值為pH 4到7,繡球屬Glomus mosseae孢子則以PH5, 6為宜;而Gigaspora gigantea孢子在620ppm磷濃度下,仍能順利發芽,Glomus mosseae孢子發芽耐磷濃度則僅155ppm。濾膜表面發芽法的設備及操作要求甚低,能普遍而簡易地測知孢子發芽資料。


Germination rate, maximum germ tube length as well as hyphal branch numbers of germinating spores could be easily measured by incubating spores of Glomus mosseae (Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerd. & Trappe and Gigaspora gigantea (Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerdemann & Trappe on the surfaces of millipore membranes. It was found that (i) spore dormancy of locally isolated Gigaspora gigantea could be relieved in a 4-month room temperature storage, (ii) Biochanin A, rather than quercetin, promoted spore germination of Glomus mosseae, (iii) organic soilless media are suitable for mycorrhizal spore germination, (iv)the optimum pH for Gigaspora gigantea spore germination was pH 4-7, as for Glomus mosseae pH 5-6; and (v)Spore germination of Gigaspora gigantea could be triggered under 620ppm high phosphate concentration, however only 155ppm for Glomus mosseae spores. Use of the millipore surface germination is rather simple and only a few instruments are needed, thus it provides a easy way for studying the germination of VAMF spores.


