  • 期刊


Is Duchamp's Dada Responsible for the "Chaos" of Contemporary Art?


二十世紀,物質文明的進步,可說是人類前所未有的創舉。尤其科技的成就曾經使人們充滿希望,卻也帶來許多新的問題:兩次世界大戰的摧毀使藝術家對舊有價值徹底失望、後現代風潮為「現代主義」劃上了句點。資訊網路帶給世人空前的便利,藝術家忙著和多樣化的數位媒體週旋、急著生吞硬嚥下不斷翻新的電腦軟體、積極地試圖和電子螢幕中的虛擬影像找尋心靈的溝通,當代藝術因而變得五花八門,令人目不暇給。英國藝評家「現代主義失敗了嗎」一書的作者Suzi Gablik,發表令人省思的文章,重新推崇具有藝術原則與明確目標的「現代主義」精神。國內保守主義學者更根據這些論點,追本溯源地找尋導致後現代主義種種亂象泛濫的主因是達達主義;達達成員之一的杜象,因此被劃上等號,而被視為是這種亂象的始作俑者。然而這種評斷實在有待商榷。本文目的在於,解析杜象「達達行為」背後精神的正面性,証明他雖然是「最達達」的人物,但當代藝術就算被認為因為「後現代」的主張而呈現亂象,也不應由杜象負責。而且,只要能掌握「杜象達達」的真義,我們就會發現,沒有必要為當今藝術多樣化的現象感到憂心。


In the Twentieth Century, progress in the civilization of materials was a phenomenon occurred never-before. Especially, achievements in technology advancement have once brought people hopes; however, along with the advancements, many new problems occurred. Destruction of the two world wars brought people into total dismay of the old values and the wave of Post Modernism ended the domination of Modernism. Information networks brought people of the world conveniences neverbefore found in any other ages. People are now busy dealing with endless digital media, gulping up constantly updating computer software, and proactively attempting to find heart-to-heart communication with virtual images in the electronic displays. Contemporary arts are now displayed in front of people in an array of bewildering postures. Suzi Gablik, the English art critic, author of Has Modernism Failed?, in her thought provoking essays reaffirmed and praised the spirit of Modernism for its artistic principle and clarity of purpose. On the basis of these ideas, conservatives at home further traced the root cause of Post Modernist chaos to Dadism, and Duchamp, as a member of ”Dada,” is thus regarded as the originator of such chaos. But the judgement seems rash. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the positiveness of the spirit behind Duchamp's ”Dada behavior,” to prove that, although he was a ”most Dada” figure, he could not be responsible for the chaos contemporary art suffers, even if that is indeed attributed to Post Modernism. Furthermore, if we are able to grasp the true meaning of ”Duchemp's Dada,” we will no longer feel the need to worry about the diversity in contemporary art.


Dada Dadaism Post Modernism contemporary art chaos Marcel Duchamp


(1977).Marcel Duchamp.Paris:Musee National d’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou.
(1994).Duchamp du signe, écrits.Paris:Flammarion.
CABANNE P.(1975).Neuchâtel (Suisse): Éditions IDES et Calendes, Bibliothèque des Arts.


