  • 期刊


Earlier Leaning and Childhood Play-A Dilemma for Current Parents


本論文係以探討當前幼兒教育的兩難情境-「提早學習」與「兒童遊戲」為目的,旨在析論此兩議題在幼兒教育中所產生的相對情境,以及因而引起的親職兩難抉擇。 本論文採用理論分析法,對於「兒童遊戲」在幼教中長久以來所居的重要地位做一歷史的回顧與前瞻,並對當前幼教的時髦思潮-「提早學習」做一形成性的因素分析。本論文旨在為當前多樣態的幼教理論與實踐,求得一個的黃金交叉的平衡點。 「遊戲」自古以來就是兒童生活的重心,是童年時光的主要內容。遊戲可以使兒童盡情地展現他們的純真天性,可以表現出他們的內心世界,是他們學習的重要途徑與方式。遊戲所代表的是「狄奧尼修斯」(Dionysus)酒神真摯的感性,是一種本真的表達,是兒童的可愛。 「提早學習」卻是資本主義功利社會中父母的期望,因為他們不希望孩子輸在起跑點上。然而,這個兒童學習策略所引起的不僅是童年時光內容的改變,同時也排擠到兒童遊戲的存在與發展,更嚴肅地是,因之而引起的親職期望思潮儼然形成一股無法抵擋的社會洪流。 因此,我們希望在教育行政與破除迷思雙重作用下,給予兒童一個快樂的學習空間。因此,作為一位幼教工作者,我們更期待「狄奧尼修斯」與「福祿貝爾」(Fröbel)的重生,能為當前的父母排解他們心中的兩難疑慮,更能幫助兒童建造一個健康的學習空間。


The aim of this study is to investigate the relative relations between earlier learning and childhood play, as well as the dilemma of current parents. A theoretical analysis was used for a methodology to employ this study. The so-called ”Golden-cross” between ”earlier learning” and ”childhood play” became a key problem to solve in this study. Play has become a core component for every child for long times. Children always behave their innocence in their plays. Play discloses children's intrinsic feelings. Play makes children sincere and lovely, too. ”Earlier is better” becomes a smart idea and an expectation for most current parents, because they are worrying about their children unsuccessful in various competitions. Children will be pressed by this learning strategy, and lose most playing days in their childhood years. We hope that the child can get an ideal studying environment under the operation of educational administration and the breaking of parents' myth, Earlier is better. We also wish Dionysus and Fröbel to be reborn, so can we give our children best educating life and best learning chances in their childhood days.


childhood play Earlier is better Dionysus Fröbel


