  • 期刊


A Case Study of a Mathematics Expert Teacher's Instructional Development


本研究的目的企圖了解國中數學的專家教師(國中數學名師)其專業教學效能的發展因素,透過立意抽樣,選出一位國中數學名師-也就是資深專家教師,利用訪談,採用資料編碼及研究者一致性法與三角驗證法分析資料,探討數學專家教師在教學方面如何能經由新手教師進而成長為專業的資深教師的因素,而到達目前成功有效率的教學,提升學生的學習成就。 研究分析發現,教師首先重視經驗累積,檢視反省經驗改善教學,促使教師本身教學轉變。根基於經驗,反思經驗,並且認為教師反省教學能力最重要。透過教學反思,可以有知覺意識地形成獨特的教學理念。從重要他人的影響,獲得有效的教學知識,利用了解學生及家長的需求為基礎,督促謀求改善教學品質。除此之外,教師的班級經營能力是良好教學效果的重要因素。教師也應該利用教師評鑑的制度來了解自己的教學缺點以改善教學。最後本研究提出數學專家教師教學發展模型理論,期望對數學教師、甚至一般教師影響其教學因素有所啟發,能了解並利用這些因素以順利發展自己的教學與專業知識。


The purpose of this study was to understand the process of a master mathematics teacher' teaching efficacy. By selecting the sample in this study on purpose, this study explored the reasons of the sample teacher how to develop his profession in teaching from a novice teacher to a master teacher though interview and dada coding to analyze data. This study found that the expert teacher emphasized the importance of teaching experience. Using it, he tried to improve his instructional strategies and methods. He understood students and their parents' need in learning and approach their expectations. In addition, He also thought that an excellent teacher needed to have an ability to manage his/her classroom. An expert teacher should evaluate himself in order to improve his/her teaching strategies and efficacy. Finally, this study provided a model of mathematics expert teacher's instructional development.


