  • 期刊


A Study on the Relationship of Internal Marking, Social Capital and Job Satisfaction-A Case Study of the Bank imported the Embedded Human Resources Organization


許多強調內部行銷與服務品質的企業人力資源部門爲因應此組織變革,跨越傳統部門疆界的限制,直接安排專門服務特定被服務單位的人力資源客服代表,以持續維持人力資源部門對公司員工的服務品質,即所謂的嵌入式人力資源組織。個案銀行業者曾經歷金融合併過程,爲避免因合併之文化組織衝突,造成存續及被併銀行員工間彼此勾心鬥角、爭權奪利及渙散不安,破壞勞資和諧之關係,迫切需要讓員工能在穩定工作環境中發展,並感受組織及各階層主管之重視與肯定,以提升整體工作滿意度,加強對組織之認同歸屬感,進而產生更良好的工作績效及服務品質。故個案公司以導入嵌入式人力資源策略之效益,不僅提升員工忠誠度,且有助於人才的招募與留任,促使企業獲取更大的競爭優勢。 本研究利用問卷調查統計分析,以已導入嵌入式人力資源組織爲個案銀行,運用結構方程模式分析內部行銷、社會資本及員工工作滿意度之影響關係,以瞭解其管理意涵並提供日後銀行業者推行嵌入式人力資源組織之評估參考。本研究經實證分析結果,主要發現爲:導入嵌入式人力資源組織之個案銀行(1)內部行銷對員工的工作滿意度未呈現顯著正向影響,但發現可透過社會資本之中介效果,對員工工作滿意度會產生顯著之間接正向影響。(2)內部行銷對社會資本有顯著正向影響。(3)社會資本對員工工作滿意度有顯著正向影響。


In addition, more and more Human Resources Departments which emphasized on the internal marketing and service quality, in response to this organizational change, arranged Human Resources Account Officer (AO) to service the certain special unit directly, beyond the boundaries of traditional sectors restrictions, and continue to maintain the Human Resources department of the quality of service employees that's the so-called ”Embedded Human Resources Organization”. The cases have experienced financial consolidation process, in order to avoid conflict in the merger of the cultural organizations, resulting in survival and to be, and Bank staff infighting among each other to fight for the right to seize profit and not lax security, and undermine the Labor-Management and harmonious relationship between the pressing need to employees can develop in a stable working environment and to feel in charge of the organization and the level of attention and recognition to enhance the overall Satisfaction to strengthen the organization's identity a sense of belonging, thereby creating more good, comfortable job performance and service quality. Therefore, the case study is embedded into the effectiveness of human resource strategy, not only to enhance employee loyalty, and talent recruitment and retention will help to stimulate the enterprises to obtain greater competitive advantage. This research applies statistic analysis of questionnaire survey, with the clerks of bank which has imported the Embedded Human Resources Organization being the Case study, and conducts structural equation modeling (SEM) to examine the relationship among bank’s internal marketing, job satisfaction and social capital. By doing that, this research obtains better understanding of the managerial implications and provides the entrepreneurs a reference for assessment of implementation the Embedded Human Resources Organization. Based on the empirical evidence, this research can be summarized as follows: the case bank which has imported the Embedded Human Resources Organization (1) Internal marketing has not significant positive effect on job satisfaction, but it was found that social capital through the mediating effect of employee job satisfaction will have a significant indirect positive effects; (2) Internal marketing has significant positive effect on social capital; (3) social capital has significant positive effect on job satisfaction.


許豐祺(2014)。探討神經外科和骨科醫師的內部行銷、創新行為及顧客導向之研究 - 以大台北和桃園地區為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00198
