  • 期刊


Appealing to World Opinion: The League of Nations' Discussion of the Mukden Incident, 1931-1933


國聯成立的宗旨在於將民主法治的精神推廣到國際社會,期盼能落實「和平」、「自由」、「平等」、「正義」等理念,這是世人經歷第一次世界大戰慘痛經驗後,所萌生的普世價值。因此,一般國聯會員國對日本政府侵犯中國領土的行徑,多表不齒,認為國聯應嚴加制止。惟對實際掌握國聯運作的英、法等行政院常任理事國而言,維繫和平的前提不在於正義的伸張,而在於大國之間彼此互不侵犯,遂無意干涉本屬日本禁臠的中國東北地區之紛擾。在此情勢之下,國聯起初將「九一八事變」定位為中日兩國的糾紛案,主張兩國應直接交涉解決爭端。 及至日本政府在上海挑起戰事,侵犯到列強在華利益,列強為求反制,乃同意將中日兩國爭端依《盟約》第15條,提交大會處理,是以中日兩國的爭端,藉由國聯大會的召開,得以擺脫大國的密室政治。一般會員國既能參與討論,中國的控訴便得以直接訴諸國際公論。國聯大會其後做出了拒絕承認滿洲國等決議,致使日本只能以強勢退出國聯作為反制;自此日本與主流國際社會絕緣,只能和同被國聯唾棄的德、義兩國為伍。


The League of Nations was established to bring the principle of democracy into international relations. Many League members were thus inclined to take a severe stance in September 1931 following Japan's invasion of Chinese territories. However, from the viewpoint of permanent members of the council such as England and France, the key to maintaining peace lay in avoiding interference in another Power's sphere of influence. Thus the League initially treated the Mukden Incident as a conflict between China and Japan that the two parties should negotiate themselves. However, this decision was made before Japan's surprise attack in Shanghai that threatened the Western Powers' interests. Under these new circumstances, the Western Powers sent the conflict between Japan and China to the Assembly under Article 15. This allowed China's appeal to finally be noticed internationally. When the League repudiated Manchukuo, Japan left the League and, deprived of this platform for international communication, Japan was forced to join forces with Germany and Italy.
