  • 期刊


On the Implementation of Interdisciplinary General Education by Intermural Rotation Seminars Program


黃俊傑教授倡議以開設通識教育講座課程的方法深化大學通識教育。由近三年來中央大學所推動的地區性與全國性通識教育巡迴講座的成效來看,確實證明了這個建議的適切性與可行性。因為通識教育的深化在於通識課程與師資的優質化,優質的通識課程必須從科際整合的角度做有系統的規劃,而優質的師資則應是由各專業領域的教師組成教學團隊,在課程中有效地教導學生知識整合的方法—科際整合的通識教育,此正是當前世界關切的教育主要議題。目前所推動的通識教育巡迴講座課程,係透過各校一流師資的跨領域合作,來進行主題式的群體教學,則是實踐科際整合通識教育的最佳方式。然而,「講座課程的推動,並非一蹴可幾」,因此,本文藉由AIS 所提出的科際整合通識教育認證準則,檢視目前巡迴講座課程的實施方式,並提出檢討與改進意見,以作為未來落實科際整合通識教育的參考依據。


Prof. Huang, Chun-Chieh advocated that general education of university be deepened by implementing general education seminars. The relevance and viability of this approach has been practically verified based on the outcome achieved by the National Central University in the promotion of the local and nationwide intermural general education rotation seminars for the past three years. This is because deepening general education consists in quality general education courses, which are systematically coordinated from an interdisciplinary aspect, and in quality faculty, who combine good teamwork across various disciplines. Exposed to such quality conditions, students will be effectively equipped with knowledge integration methods-interdisciplinary general education, which is the main educational issue concerned by the world. The current intermural rotation seminars program, through the cooperation of quality faculty from different universities in a team-teaching mode, is the best way to implement interdisciplinary general education. Motivated by the difficulty to reach perfect success immediately, this paper is devoted to finding possible betterment and improvement by examining the practice of current program with the accreditation criteria proposed by the Association for Integrative Studies (AIS) for interdisciplinary general education program. Suggestions proposed will hopefully be used as a reference for future implementation of the program.


Eric Digest
Accreditation Criteria for Interdisciplinary Studies in General Education
Davis, James R.(1995).Interdisciplinary Courses and Team Teaching.American Council on Education and the Oryx Press.
