  • 期刊


The MOD Development of Experience to Explore IPTV Research Industry Operating


全球網路電視(IPTV)市場自2003年正式啟動後,各國家相繼推動數位產業的發展。台灣順應這股潮流,產官學各界皆積極投入媒體數位化、數位家庭、數位內容等行動,其中以數位電視的建置成本及使用者行為這兩項,是為數位匯流最大的衝擊與挑戰。本研究從科技接受出發,整合資訊系統成功的觀點,研究MOD從扮演開拓者到領導者,甚至於對後續產業發展的影響,以及使用者的滿意度與接受行為模式。而其中的內容、系統與服務則為影響使用者對於IPTV的接受速度與總體滿意度的重要因素,資訊品質的影響則不顯著。本研究採用訪談法,整理結論得到四項MOD發展過程對IPTV的產業價值,成功探討出MOD在IPTV 產業發展對數位內容的影響,不但可作為未來研究各項創新科技使用者滿意度與接受行為的參考模式,更提供IPTV業者改善其服務與功能的具體方向,促進台灣數位電視的發展。


Global Internet TV (IPTV) market since 2003 officially launched, the countries have been pushing the digital industry. Taiwan's response to this trend, industry, government and academic communities are actively involved in the media digitization, digital home, digital content and other actions, in which digital television implementation costs and user behavior of these two is the digital convergence biggest impacts and challenges. In this study, starting from the technology acceptance, the successful integration of information systems point of view, research MOD from pioneer to leader played, and even the impact of industrial development on the follow-up, as well as user satisfaction and acceptance of behavior patterns. The contents of which, systems and services compared to affect user acceptance rate for IPTV and an important factor in overall satisfaction, quality of information is not obvious. This study used interviews, finishing conclusion is supported by four MOD process of development of the IPTV industry value, this study successfully explore the MOD in the IPTV industry on the impact of digital content, not only can be used as the future research and innovation and technology user satisfaction acceptance behavior of the reference model, but also to provide IPTV operators to improve their services and functions of the specific direction, and promote the development of Taiwan's digital TV.




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全球媒體研究室(2008)。台灣網路電視iptv 產業。線上檢索日期:2013 年1 月10 日。網址: http://globalmedia.wikia.com/wiki/%E5%8F%B0%E7%81%A3%E7%B6%B2%E8%B7%AF%E9%9B%BB%E8%A6%96iptv%E7%94%A2%E6%A5%AD
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資策會MIC,2008年3月調查報告線上檢索日期:2013 年3 月7 日。網址:,http://mic.iii.org.tw/aisp/pressroom/press01_pop.asp?sno=424&type1=1
