  • 期刊


The Research of the Optimization of Output Image for Low-end Printers


現今產品因生產者針對使用者的不同需求,進而提供不同品質的產品,就以印表機來說對於顏色有非常準確需求的使用者,以及專業人士會選擇購買價格較高並在印表機硬體方面支援RIP(raster image processor)光柵影像處理器的高階印表機,一般使用者購買的多數是未具備支援RIP 的低階印表機,在印表機由工廠量產出廠時,工廠無法針對每一台出廠的印表機確保色彩的一致性,於是會發生每一台印表機就算是相同型號,由於印表機特性不同,所以列印出來的色彩品質也都不一樣的情況。有搭配RIP 的印表機可以透過RIP 針對色彩進行校正,無RIP 的低階印表機則無法針對色彩進行校正,無RIP 的印表機只能依賴驅動程式的控制選項來進行色彩的調整,雖然可以改變影像數據以及調整驅動程式控制選項改變輸出結果,但這必須要透過眼睛以及經驗來進行調整,更多的時候只會造成浪費紙張及墨水的窘境。影像輸出的品質如何算是好,本研究向色彩管理專家諮詢後了解到,若能將輸出影像的灰平衡調整好,如此一來對於整體輸出的影像品質就會有所提升,本研究藉此以「以數字去印刷」(print by number)之概念,分析數據來針對輸出的變因進行調整,使印表機的影像輸出品質能得到提升,以達到本研究之目的。


色彩管理 灰平衡 RGB曲線 RIP 印表機


Nowadays many suppliers will provide different quality products for the user, due to the different needs of the user. For instances, Users who have a very accurate need for color or professionals who choose to buy higher prices printer to support high-end printers RIP (raster image processors) in the printer hardware. Most users purchased low-end printer which is not equipped with RIP, because the factory cannot ensure the consistency of the printer's color for each printers while they are output from production line. In doing so, even if each printer is in the same model and the quality of printed colors are not the same, because each the printer features is different. If the printer have equipped RIP, it may make color correction with RIP, and if printer has no RIP, then it cannot be corrected for color and can only rely on the driver's control options for color adjustment. The user can change the image data and adjust the driver control options to alter the output effect, but it must be done through the eyes to adjust the color under experience ability. However, more often it will only cause paper spoilage and ink dilemma. How can the image become a good output quality? As a result, this study obtained, if the overall output image quality be improved and the output image of the gray balance adjustment through the color management expert consultation. This study try to take the concept of "print by number" as a model to analyze the data to proceed the adjustment for the variable condition so that one can promote the quality of output image to meet the purpose of this study.


color management gray balance RGB curve RIP printer


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