  • 期刊


A Relevance Analyze of the number of ICC Profile Color Patches on the Print Color Quality


2019年全球印刷相關產業產值約為4~8千億美金之間,其中包裝印刷占比超過百分之60,在品牌商與消費者的重視之下,包裝印刷的色彩品質就變得很重要。常見印刷品質檢測項目包括色彩濃度、灰平衡、網點擴大、印刷對比、疊印能力等項目,而其中最重要也是最困難的不外色彩的忠實複製能力。色彩管理是印刷製程品質的核心檢測項目,過程中色彩的品質變化細微並且檢測不易。國際色彩協會(ICC)所制定的色彩描述檔是色彩管理方法中關鍵的技術,建立高品質且能精準複製顏色的色彩描述檔更是色彩管理的成功要素。本研究旨在探討廣色域印表機的色彩描述檔表與輸出色彩品質,在色彩管理流程中,印表機的ICCP rofile關鍵性的影響著輸出色彩品質,研究結果顯示印製色彩管理導表時的色塊數量對於色彩品質有顯著影響,導表色塊數量與落在DE_(00)≦2的Pantone色票數量之間呈現線性關係,並且導表色塊數量與平均DE_(00)的Pantone色票數量間呈現「高度負相關」,但兩者皆在色彩管理導表色塊數量超過1000塊後,於色彩品質無顯著提升。


In 2019, the global macro print market has a value between 400 to 800 billion US. Dollars, and the package printing has a higher than 60% market share. Especially, when the brand companies/buyers are highly pay attention to the print quality, particularly on the color quality, color management is becoming more important. Print quality focuses on the aspects of solid ink density, gray balance, dot gain, print contrast, trapping, hue error, etc., however, the color reproduction quality is the most important and meanwhile the most difficult issue. The ICC (International Color Consortium) Profile is the key role to approach a successful print color quality. This study was aimed to analyze the relationship of the number of ICC Profile color patches via a wide-gamut inkjet printer and the print color quality. Results showed that the number of ICC Profile color patches has a significant effect on the number of Pantone Formula Guide 4.0 Coated swatches that were within a color difference, Delta E00, of 2.0. Also, the number of ICC Profile color patches has a significant negative effect on the average Delta E00s of Pantone Formula Guide 4.0 Coated swatches. Furthermore, the study found that the print color quality has no more variation when the number of ICC Profile color patches reaches1000.


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