  • 期刊


A Gemorphological Study on the Drainage Basin Process and their Interrelationships of Taiwan Island


第二次世界大戰以還,各國地形學者對河川流域的地形特徵及其相關性的研究,甚表重視,但在國內,是項研究並不多見。爲期補充這方面的不足,建立一些可供參考之理論,本研究乃以探討臺灣各大河川流域之地形特徵及其相關性爲研究目的,並經由三方面收集資料。其一乃藉地形計測廣蒐臺灣各大流域數十項形態特徵;其二利用各機關附設水文站所測得的營歷特徵作統計整理;其三爲遍歷全島各大流域,進行廣泛的觀察印證。不過由於全臺灣獨流入海之大小河川凡數百條之多,本研究限於時間及經費因素,只選出其中105條流域面積大於10平方公里,主流長於4km的河川作爲研究對象。 有了上述基本資料後,即以定量方法分析各流域特徵的地形意義,力圖究明臺灣全島流域特徵在空間上的差異性和共通性,得知流域特徵隨流域而不同,富於變化;惟在此種多樣性當中,仍有其共通性,亦即流域特徵之頻率常有集中的趨勢,反映出臺灣整體的特色。由此所獲致的發現,悉簡述於結論的第二至第六點。以此爲基礎,本研究隨而論及各流域特徵之間(包括形態與形態之間,形態與營歷之間,營歷與營歷之間)的相關性;歸納出流域特徵之間及其與其他環境因子之間之關係模式,並分析其相關之程度,求出若干具有代表性的經驗公式。其中的一些發現,亦列述於結論的第七和第八點。另由資料的研判,也得知流域特徵隨時間而演變的特性,無論流量的瞬間或長期變化、輸沙量的季節增減、河床剖面的連續變遷,論文中均有所闡明。凡此種種,證實流域確爲一典型的開放系統,本身具有動力均衡性,系統內的各要素彼此互爲調適.,其中的關係儘管複雜而微妙,但並非一團混亂,反而在自然律的支配下有其秩序。 最後,本研究站在地形學的立場,利用最具影響力的少數形態特徵作爲流域分類的指標,試將臺灣河川流域加以分類,由此了解各類型的頻率和分布情形,並分析各類型流域的流域特徵,以期在日後擬定臺灣地區河川流域利用經營方向和治理保育方針時有所裨益。




Following the Second World War, geomorphologists of everywhere have great interest in the study of watershed characteristics. Nevertheless, such research works are, limited and the progress is rather slow in our country. In order to complement the shortage of this kind, this paper is intended to discuss the drainage basin forms and processes as well as their interrelationships of Taiwan Island. Three approaches are adopted to collect relevant data. Firstly, by means of morphometry, drainage basins forms of Taiwan rivers including several dozens of variables are obtained. Secondly, processes data of numerous hydrological stations widespread over Taiwan are collected and analyzed. Thirdly, field excursion throughout the whole island have been designed to enable further observation and verification. But since independent rivers of Taiwan Island, totals several hundreds in numbers, this study can only restricted to the discussion of 105 of them which have a basin area exceeding 10 km^2 and a mainstream length more than 4 km^2. With the help of the above-mentioned data, it is possible to give a quantitative account on the geomorphic implications of the drainage basin characteristics of Taiwan as a whole. Thus, we can realize the spatial differentiation as well as spatial homogeneity of Taiwan watersheds. Conclusions are thus drawn and when a comparison is made between the drainage basin characteristics of Taiwan and those of other countries, many extremities can be seen. According to the data obtained, the paper then emphasizes on the interrelationships between basin forms and basin processes, followed by the inductive establishment of various relationship models concerning certain representative environmental factors. On the other hand, the degree of their correlation are analyzed and empirical formulae are deduced. Among thes findings, it is noticed that all drainage basin characteristics have more or less some changes in the span of time, especially such attributes as stream discharge, sediment yield or channel geometry etc. All these conforms to the generalization that drainage basin is doubtlessly a typical open system, which possesses a sort of dynamic equilibrium. Inside the system, elements can exert interaction to each other and readjustment is ultimately achieved theorectically. Although the relationships within which are complicate and delicate, still they are not altogether in a manner of chaos; on the contrary, they are in perfect order under the control of natural laws. Lastly, the paper intends to use several influential criteria to make an ideal classification of drainage basins in Taiwan under the standpoint of geomorphology. By the way, the frequency and distribution of each drainage basin types can be analyzed and the characteristics of them understood. Such investigation can surely provide a reference to future design projects in such fields as watershed management, land-use planning and water resource planning etc.




