  • 期刊

PC-based Multi-RGB Color Sensor Measurement System for Mmeasuring Color Temperature of LED Light Bulb




本系統主要以微處理機控制器為運算核心,把RGB彩色感測器所擷取之訊號,利用類比/數位轉換器(ADC)轉換成數位訊號傳送至微控制器。然後再透過RS-232傳輸介面連接至個人電腦,達到即時監控之功能,並藉由操作簡易之人機介面,使量測更加方便。色溫是光源的一項重要參數,它的值可由色座標CIE(x, y)間接計算而得。本系統雛型開發完成之後使用於LED燈泡色溫的量測。經實驗測試結果,LED燈泡與量測距離,LED燈泡發射角-45°至+45°,色溫量測精度在±5%以內。本系統優點為操作簡單、價格便宜、精度高及可以做為生產線即時檢測之用。


This paper studies the design of a PC-based multi-RGB color sensor system which measures the chromaticity coordinates and color temperature of LED light bulb using the RGB color sensor, optical diffuser and color temperature measurement program. This system has RGB color sensors that closely match the color-matching functions defined by the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) and the results can be displayed in person computer by RS232. The RGB color sensor generates the small electrical signal after it is hit by the light. The OP amplifier is used to this small electrical signal. Before the signal enters microprocessor, the analog signals converted into the digital signal by the A/D converter. The RS232 provides a simple and easy way to connect person computer for real-time monitoring the quality of products. The Correlated colour temperature (CCT) is an important parameter of light sources. It is estimated from the position of the chromatic coordinates (x, y) in the Commission Internationale de l'Éclairage (CIE) 1960 colour space. The spectral calibration factor enables the compensation of measurement values to match a desired standard by the correcting analog output of RGB color sensor. While the distance between the LED light bulb and RGB color sensor is 30 cm, and the beam angles of LED light bulb are from -45° to +45°, the accuracy of color temperature measurement is better than ±5%. The advantages of this system are real-time, compact, low-cost and multi-RGB color sensor.
