  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess

Reducing High-Technological Medical Re-Examination Rate by NHI IC Card System



從最近的健保統計資料發現高科技醫療費用仍不斷地上昇,且重複檢驗浪費的情形也是相當嚴重。因此本研究目的在於以健保IC卡建構監控機制,協助降低高科技醫療的重複檢驗率。以電腦斷層造影(CT)為例,經模擬方式進行院所間資訊共享後,重複執行率可降低5.54%,而磁振造影(MRI)方面,重複執行率的部份也可降低3.2%,估計二項重複檢驗的費用一年將可節省醫療費用金額約為321,420,000元。本研究使用分散式技術Web Services來實作整個監控機制的功能。研究效益包括三方面,(1)對病患而言,排隊、等待報告時間及接受多次放射線照射的風險可以減少。(2)對醫療院所及醫師而言,線上的提醒功能及資訊共享機制,醫師能充分掌握病況資訊。(3)健保局透過管理監控機制,能即時得到高科技醫療服務的使用情形。本研究結果發現此機制將可共創民眾、醫療院所、健保局同時三贏的局面,並建議健保管理當局採用此機制且加入現存NHI Card作業中。


Statistics show that high-tech medical re-examination rate has been increasing, which implies higher cost for Bureau of National Health Insurance (BNHI). This study proposes to construct a mechanism using National Health Insurance (NHI) IC Card as a key component, in association with web services, for reducing high-tech medical re-examination rate. The advantages are three folds. First, for patients, the times of repeated radioactivity exposure would be reduced. Second, it would improve the relation between the doctor and the patient and the quality of the treatment. Third, the BNHI would instantly hold the rate of high-tech medical service. We evaluate that the re-examination rate of computed tomography (CT) would be reduced by 5.54%, and that of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) would also decrease by 3.2% if the proposed mechanism were adopted. The total saved medical expenditure for the two examinations could amount to NT$ 321, 420, 000 every year. Finally, feasibi1ity analysis shows the proposed approach is feasible for the current NHI IC Card System.
