  • 學位論文


Quasi-particle Condensation in Two-Dimensional System and Its Application in Spin Ordering

指導教授 : 胡崇德


準粒子凝聚態在凝態物理的應用廣泛,在玻色-愛因斯坦凝聚,超導體與超流體中扮演重要角色。本論文主要分為兩部分,第二至第六章討論二維半導體中激子(exciton)的凝聚態,研究顯示一種新的混合態波函數為二維半導體激子凝聚態的基態,並提供可能的實驗量測方式。 第七至第十章研究磁振子(magnon)的凝聚態,組織現有的Schwinger-boson平均場理論,應用於氧化銅材料,以及討論動量非零之玻色-愛因斯坦凝聚態之物理意義與氧化銅中commensurate-incommensurate相變生成之可能之微觀機制。


In this thesis, we study the aspects of quasiparticle condensate phenomena. The Bose-Einstein condensation of quasiparticle plays an important role in many areas such as the superconductivity, superfluidity, magnons, polaritons, and of course, one of the main topic of this thesis-exciton. The exciton condensation of two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors is reports in Ch. 2-6. We start from an effective Hamiltonian of 2D semiconductors and show an interesting mixed state of exciton condensate. The bosonization of electrons can also be a useful mathematical tool to study quantum spin systems. In Ch. 7-10, we extend the Schwinger boson mean field theory (SBMFT) method of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic systems. The condensation of Schwinger bosons can describe the ordering phase of spins. We study the commensurate-incommensurate phase transition of CuO as an example.


[1] Introduction to Superconductivity by Michael Tinkham (McGraw Hill; 2nd edition, 1996).
[2] For the books of Bose-Einstein condensation one can refer, for example, Bose-Einstein Condensation and Superfluidity by Lev Pitaevskii, Sandro Stringari (Oxford University Press; 1st edition, 2016) or Bose–Einstein Condensation in Dilute Gases by C.J. Pethick (Cambridge University Press; 2nd edition, 2011).
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[5] V. I. Yukalov, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 37:3 (1978), 1093–1101.
